Auction 145
Tauler&Fau Selection

June 25th 2024 - 15:00 H

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Ex Numismatica Ars Classica

Cassius. Q. Cassius Longinus. Denarius. 55 BC. Rome. (Ffc-557). (Craw-428/3). (Cal-411). Anv.: Head of Bonus Eventus right, sceptre behind. Rev.: Eagle right on thunderbolt between lituus and capis. Q. CASSIVS., below. Ag. 3,88 g. Magnificent piece. Soft tone and very well-centered struck. Ex Numismatica Ars Classica 45 (02/04/2008), lot 12; Ex Tkalec (2000), lot 225. AU. Est...900,00.

Starting bid

400 €

Ex Dr. Robert B. Beckett

Cassius. L. Cassius Longinus. Denarius. 55 BC. Rome. (Ffc-561). (Craw-413/1). (Cal-415). Anv.: Draped bust of Vesta veiled Ieft, kylix behind, letter before. Rev.: Male figure Ieft, dropping tablet inscribed V. (Uti Rogas) into a cista, LONGIN. III V behind. Ag. 3,92 g. A superb specimen. Plenty of original luster. Ex Classical Numismatic Group 72 (14/06/2006), lot 1326; Ex Classical Numismatic Group XVI (16/08/1991), lot 365; Ex Dr. Robert B. Beckett Collection. Almost MS/AU. Est...500,00.

Starting bid

200 €

Coelius. C. Coelius Caldus. Denarius. 51 BC. Rome. (Ffc-584). (Craw-437/1b). (Cal-451). Anv.: C. COEL. CALDVS., before head of the Consul C. Coelius Caldus right, COS., below, tablet inscribed: L . D. behind. Rev.: CALDVS IIIVIR. and round buckler before radiate head of Sol right; behind, oval buckler, but S above oval buckler, on which thunderbolt. Ag. 4,01 g. Well-centered struck. Lightly iridiscent toned. Rare, even more in this condition. Ex Pliego (23/11/2006), lot 96. XF. Est...1500,00.

Starting bid

700 €

Ex Numismatica Ars Classica

Cornelius. Cn Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus. Denarius. 76-75 BC. Hispania. (Ffc-626). (Craw-393/1b). (Cal-486). Anv.: G. P. R. above diademed bust of the Genius of the Roman People draped right, sceptre on shoulder. Rev.: EX. S.C. divided by terrestrial globe between rudder and sceptre, CN. LEN. Q. below. Ag. 3,96 g. Magnificent piece with plenty of original luster. Ex Numismatica Ars Classica 40 (16/05/2007), lot 468. AU. Est...650,00.

Starting bid

300 €

Cupiennius. L. Cupiennius. Denarius. 147 BC. Rome. (Ffc-665). (Craw-218/1). (Cal-530). Anv.: Head of Roma right, X below chin, cornucopiac behind. Rev.: The Dioscuri right, stars above, L. CVP. (VP interlace) below horses, ROMA in exergue. Ag. 3,73 g. Original luster. Scarce in this grade. Ex J.A. Herrero (10/12/2015), lot 157. AU. Est...450,00.

Starting bid

200 €

Domitius. Cn. Domitius Calvinus. Denarius. 38 BC. Huesca. (Ffc-685). (Craw-532/1). (Cal-551). Anv.: Head of Hercules right with beard OSCA, behind. Rev.: Sacerdotal attributes. DOM.COS.ITER IMP. Ag. 3,42 g. Delicate patina. Rare. Almost XF. Est...2000,00.

Starting bid

1.200 €

Furius. L. Furius Cn. f. Brocchus. Denarius. 63 BC. Rome. (Ffc-736). (Craw-414/1). (Cal-607). Anv.: Bust of Ceres right, but lock of hair falls down neck, between wheat-car and barley-corn. III. VIR., across field. BROCCHI below. Rev.: Curule chair between fasces, L. FVRI. CN. F above. Ag. 3,90 g. Fine style. Sharply struck. Knock on edge. Original luster. Very rare in this condition. Mint state. Est...3000,00.

Starting bid

1.000 €

Junius. M. Junius Silanus. Denarius. 145 BC. Auxiliary mint of Rome. (Ffc-778). (Craw-220/1). (Cal-860). Anv.: Head of Roma right, X below chin, ass's head behind. Rev.: The Dioscuri right, stars above, M.IVNI., below horses, ROMA in exergue. Ag. 3,81 g. Magnificent piece. Original luster. Ex Cayón (09/05/2005), lot 4184. Mint state/Almost MS. Est...450,00.

Starting bid

200 €

Mamilius. C. Mamilius Limetanus. Denarius. 82 BC. Auxiliary mint of Rome. (Ffc-835). (Craw-362/1). (Cal-920). Anv.: Bust of Mercury right, caduceus behind, letter above. Rev.: Ulysses walking right, his dog before, C. MAMIL behind. LIMETAN, (TA interlace) before. Ag. 3,76 g. Magnificent piece with original luster. Very rare in this condition. Ex Gorny & Mosch 224 (13/10/2014), lot 383. Mint state. Est...800,00.

Starting bid

250 €

Ex Fritz Rudolf Künker

Minucius. Ti. Minucius Augurinus. Denarius. 134 BC. Rome. (Ffc-925). (Craw-243/1). (Cal-1026). Anv.: Head of Roma right, X (rarely X) behind. Rev.: ROMA above divided by Ionic column on which statue, at sides, two togate figures, TI. MINVCI. C.F. on left, AVGVRINI., on right. Ag. 3,96 g. Gorgeous specimen with luster and some iridiscent tones. Ex Fritz Rudolf Künker 295 (25/09/2017), lot 533; Ex Fritz Rudolf Künker 153 (10/2009), lot 8454. AU/XF. Est...500,00.

Starting bid

200 €

Petillus. Petillus Capitolinus. Denarius. 43 BC. Rome. (Ffc-962). (Craw-487/2b). (Cal-1066). Anv.: PETILLIVS. above, CAPITOLINVS below eagle on thunderbolt. Rev.: Temple of six columns, the pediment ornamented with armed figures. S. F. at sides of temple. Ag. 4,10 g. Attractive specimen. It retains some luster. Fine style. AU. Est...750,00.

Starting bid

300 €

Plaetorius. M. Plaetorius M.f. Cestianus. Denarius. 67 BC. Rome. (Ffc-969). (Craw-409/1). (Cal-1106). Anv.: CESTIANVS behind winged bust of Vacuna, wearing crested helmet right, quiver and bow on shoulder, cornucopiae below chin, S.C. before. Rev.: M. PLAETORIVS. M.F. AED. CVR., eagle on thunderbolt with head left. Ag. 3,91 g. Gorgeous old cabinet patina with iridiscent tones. Some luster. Ex Artemide Aste (13/12/2016), lot 240. AU. Est...600,00.

Starting bid

250 €

Procilius. L. Procilius f. Denarius. 80 BC. South of Italy. (Ffc-1082). (Craw-379/2). (Cal-1225). Anv.: Head of Juno Sospita right, wearing goat's skin, S.C. behind. Rev.: Juno Sospita as last, but in biga right, serpent below horses, L. PROCILI. F. in exergue. Ag. 3,95 g. Iridescent tone. Attractive specimen. Almost XF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

150 €

Ex Dr. Robert B. Beckett

Scribonius. L. Scribonius Libo. Denarius. 62 BC. Rome. (Ffc-1102). (Craw-416/1a). (Cal-1248). Anv.: BON. EVENT before diademed head of Bonus Eventus right, LIBO behind. Rev.: PVTEAL above well-head ornamented with two lyres, hammer and festoons, SCRIBON., in exergue. Ag. 3,95 g. Very attractive. Original luster. Ex Classical Numismatic Group 72 (14/06/2006), lot 1323; Ex Dr. Robert B. Beckett Collection. Almost MS/AU. Est...500,00.

Starting bid

200 €

Sergius. M. Sergius Silus. Denarius. 116-115 BC. Norte de Italia. (Ffc-1111). (Craw-286/1). (Cal-1271). Anv.: Head of Roma right, EX. S.C. before, ROMA and X behind. Rev.: M. SERGI, below horseman galloping Ieft, holding sword and head of barbarian, Q below horse’s leg, SILVS in exergue. Ag. 3,91 g. Large flan for this issue. Minimal luster. Rare in this condition. Ex Jesús Vico (01/03/2012), lot 222. XF. Est...500,00.

Starting bid

200 €

Sicinius. Q. Sicinius y C. Coponius. Denarius. 49 BC. Rome. (Ffc-1125). (Craw-444/1a). (Cal-1282). Anv.: Diademed head of Apollo right, star below, Q.SICINIVS before, III. VIR behind. Rev.: C. COPONIVS. PR. S C., the club of Hercules surmounted by lion's skin with scalp to right, bow on right, arrow on Ieft. Ag. 3,74 g. Well struck. Lightly toned. XF. Est...400,00.

Starting bid

150 €

NGC - XF 4/5, 4/5

Sicinius. Q. Sicinius. Denarius. 49 BC. Rome. (Ffc-1130). (Craw-440/1). (Cal-1285). Anv.: Diademed head of Fortune right, FORT., before, P. R. behind. Rev.: Q. SICINIVS. III. VIR., caduceus and palm in saltire, laurel-wreath above. Ag. 4,13 g. Slabbed by NGC as XF, Strike 4/5, Surface 4/5. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

100 €

11 3

Roman Coins - Plate coin

Vettius. T. Vettius Sabinus. Denarius. 70 BC. Uncertain mint. (Roman coins and their values Millenium edition VoI. I, nº339, Plate coin). (Ffc-1185). (Craw-404/1). (Cal-1343). Anv.: Bearded head of Tatius right, TA., (monogram), under chin, S.C., before, SABINVS behind. Rev.: Togate figure, holding sceptre, in walking biga left, IVDEX above, ear of corn behind, T. VETTIVS in exergue. Ag. 3,92 g. A superb specimen with a magnificent, sharply struck and appearance. Original luster. Rare, even more in this grade. Ex Numismatica Ars Classica 54 (24/03/2010), lot 223; Ex Numismatica Ars Classica 23 (2002), lot 1363. Mint state. Est...2500,00.

Starting bid

1.000 €

Ex Triton VIII

Pompeius Magnus. Cn. Pompeius Magnus y M. Poblicius. Denarius. 46-45 BC. Hispania. (Ffc-1). (Craw-469/a). (Cal-1146). Anv.: M. POBLICI. LEG. PRO. PR. head of Roma right.; bead and reel border. Rev.: CN. MAGNVS IMP., Hispania or Baetica presenting palm to Pompey who is alighting from prow. Ag. 3,95 g. Ex Classical Numismatic Group Triton VIII (11/01/2005), lot 948. AU. Est...750,00.

Starting bid

300 €


Julius Caesar. Denarius. 46-45 BC. Galia. (Ffc-11). (Craw-468/1). (Cal-645). Anv.: Diademed head of Venus right, Cupid on shoulder. Rev.: Gallia and a Gaulish captive seated beneath trophy, CAESAR in exergue. Ag. 3,89 g. Fine style. Very attractive. Rarely encountered this good struck. Mint state/Almost MS. Est...3000,00.

Starting bid

1.000 €

Julius Caesar. Denarius. 48-47 BC. Galia. (Ffc-14). (Craw-452/2). (Cal-641). Anv.: Head of Pietas or Venus right, wreathed with oak, X. II. behind. Rev.: CAE - SAR. below trophy of Gallic arms, axe surmounted by an animal’s head on right. Ag. 3,76 g. Beautiful old cabinet tone. Some bluish patina. Attractive specimen. XF. Est...1000,00.

Starting bid

500 €

14 6

Julius Caesar. Denarius. 54-51 BC. Galia. (Ffc-50). (Craw-443/1). (Cal-640). Anv.: Elephant right, trampling on serpent, CAESAR in exergue. Rev.: Simpulum, sprinkler, axe and priest’s hat. Ag. 3,82 g. Ex A. Tkalec (22/04/2007), lot 182. XF. Est...1200,00.

Starting bid

500 €

The only known - Ex UBS

Julius Caesar. Q. Voconius Vitulus. Denarius. ca. 105 A.D. Restitution of Trajan. (Ric-Unlisted). (Cohen-Unlisted). (Kommick-Unlisted). Anv.: DIVI IVLI. Laureate head of Julius Caesar right; lituo behind. Rev.: IMP CAES TRAIAN AVG GER DAC P P REST. Cow left with Q. VOCONIVS above and in exergue VITVLVS. Ag. 3,07 g. Minor edge filing. The only specimen known. Ex Áureo & Calicó (27/05/2014), lot 2019. Ex UBS 78, lot 1218. Ex Herzfelder. VF. Est...5000,00.

Starting bid

2.500 €

24 6

Mark Antony. Denarius. 32-31 BC. Mint moving. (Ffc-32). (Craw-544). (Cal-179). Anv.: ANT. AVG. III. VIR. R.P.C. praetorian galley right. Rev.: LEG. ll, legionary eagle between two standards. Ag. 3,53 g. Very good stuck for this issue. Delicate old cabinet tone. Ex J.A. Herrero (01/12/2005), lot 199. XF. Est...600,00.

Starting bid

250 €

Mark Antony. Denarius. 32-31 BC. Mint moving. (Ffc-46). (Craw-544/26). (Cal-193). Anv.: ANT. AVG. III. VIR. R.P.C. praetorian galley right. Rev.: LEG. XII., legionary eagle between two standards. Ag. 3,62 g. Very well-centered struck. Attractive. AU. Est...750,00.

Starting bid

300 €

Augustus. Aureus. 2 BC-12 AD. Lugdunum. (Ric-206). (Calicó-176). (Bmc-515). Anv.: CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE. Laureate head right. Rev.: AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT. Gaius and Lucius Caesars standing facing, two shields and two spears between them; above simpulum and lituu; CL CAESARES in exergue. Au. 7,88 g. Scratch on obverse. Ex Roma Numismatics (02/06/2018), lot 22. Choice VF/Almost XF. Est...10000,00.

Starting bid

4.000 €

Tesouro do Casal de Friume

Augustus. Denarius. 7-6 a. C. Lugdunum. (Ffc-25). (Ric-I 210). (Cal-855). Anv.: CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI. F. PATER. PATRIAE, laureate head of Augustus right. Rev.: C.L. CAESARES AVGVSTI. F. COS. DESIG. PRINC. IVVENT, Caius and Lucius Caesars standing facing, shields and spears between them; above, between the spears, lituus and simpulum turned inwards. Ag. 3,86 g. A good sample with retains some minor luster. Large flan and well.centered struck. Rare in this condition. Ex Jesus Vico 134 (28/02/2013), lot 313. Tesouro Monetário do Casal de Friume. XF. Est...900,00.

Starting bid

500 €

Augustus. Denarius. 18 BC. Colonia Patricia (Córdoba). (Ffc-143). (Ric-105). (Cal-766). Anv.: CAESARI AVGVSTO laureate head of Augustus right. Rev.: MAR - VLT across field divided by round temple of six columns within which standards. Ag. 3,79 g. Delicate patina with a beautiful blue tone. Very beautiful specimen. Rara. Ex Jesús Vico (12/11/2009), lot 356. Almost XF/XF. Est...700,00.

Starting bid

350 €

Augustus. Denarius. 19-18 BC. Caesar Augusta (Zaragoza). (Ffc-159). (Ric-75a). (Cal-762). Anv.: CAESAR AVGVSTVS bare head of Augustus right. Rev.: OB. CIVIS above and SERVATOS below the oak-wreath. Ag. 3,93 g. Toned. Rare. Ex Numismatik Lanz 163 (07/12/2016), lot 282; Numismatik Lanz 156 (02/06/2013), lot 255; Adquired from Warden Numismatics. XF/Almost XF. Est...750,00.

Starting bid

400 €

Tauler & Fau

Lovely specimen

Tiberius. Aureus. 14-37 AD. Lugdunum. (Ric-25). (Cohen-15). (Cal-305d). Anv.: CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS. Laureate head of Tiberius right. Rev.: PONTIF MAXIM. Livia (as Pax) seated right on chair, holding scepter in right hand and olive branch in left. Au. 7,74 g.
Perfectly centered struck. Original luster. Lovely specimen. Rare in this grade. This coin is exempt from any export license fee
. Almost MS. Est...12000,00.

Starting bid

6.000 €

Tiberius. Denarius. 14-37 AD. Lugdunum. (Ric-I 30). (Bmcre-48). (Rsc-16a). Anv.: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS. Laureate head of Tiberius right. Rev.: PONTIF MAXIM. Livia (as Pax), holding scepter and olive branch, seated right on chair, feet on footstool; ornate chair legs, single line below. Ag. 3,74 g. Superb specimen with a beautiful and expressive portrait. Very rare in this condition. Ex Gorny & Mosch 164 (03/17/2008), lot 366. AU. Est...1000,00.

Starting bid

400 €

NGC - MS 4/5, 4/5

Tiberius. Denarius. 14-37 AD. Lugdunum. (Ric-I 30). (Bmcre-48). (Rsc-16b). Anv.: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS. Laureate head of Tiberius right. Rev.: PONTIF MAXIM. Livia (as Pax), holding scepter and olive branch, seated right on chair, feet on footstool; ornate chair legs, single line below. Ag. 3,59 g. Attractive specimen. Shap, clear and lovely specimen. Original luster. Slabbed by NGC as Ch AU, Strike45/5, Surface 4/5. Est...1800,00.

Starting bid

700 €

NGC - Ch XF 4/5, 3/5

Tiberius. Denarius. 14-37 AD. Lugdunum. (Ric-I 30). (Bmcre-48). (Rsc-16b). Anv.: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS. Laureate head of Tiberius right. Rev.: PONTIF MAXIM. Livia (as Pax), holding scepter and olive branch, seated right on chair, feet on footstool; ornate chair legs, single line below. Ag. 3,73 g. Some luster. Slabbed by NGC as Ch XF, strike 4/5, surface 3/5. Est...700,00.

Starting bid

250 €

17 6

Nero. Denarius. 51-54 AD. Rome. (Ric-I 79). (Bmcre-93). (Rsc-97). Anv.: NERONI CLAVDIO DRVSO GERM COS DESIGN, bare-headed and draped bust to right. Rev.: EQVESTER OR-DO PRINCIPI IVVENT in four lines on shield, behind which stands a spear. Ag. 3,61 g. A charming portrait of the young prince with a strong strike and well-centered struck. Rare, even more in this grade. Ex Jesús Vico (16/11/2006), lot 257. AU. Est...2000,00.

Starting bid

800 €

Nero and Agrippina. Denarius. 54 AD. Rome. (Ric-I 2). (Bmcre-3). (Rsc-7). Anv.: (AGRIPP AV)G DIVI CLAVD NERONIS CAES MA(TER), bare-headed bust of Nero to right and draped bust of Agrippina II to left. Rev.: NERONI CLAVD DIVI F CAES AVG GERM IMP TR P, oak-wreath enclosing EX SC. Ag. 3,58 g. Light toning. Very nice and high relief mintage. Excellent specimen. Very rare. Almost XF/Choice VF. Est...2000,00.

Starting bid

700 €

Galba. Quinarius. 68-69 AD. Lugdunum. (Ric-I 131). (Bmcre-246). (Rsc-318). Anv.: SER GALBA IMP CAESAR AVG P M T P, laureate head to right. Rev.: VICTORIA GALBAE AVG, Victory standing to left on globe, holding wreath in outstretched right hand and palm over left shoulder. Ag. 1,89 g. Perfectly centered struck. Very scarce in this grade. XF. Est...1200,00.

Starting bid

600 €

11 2

Otho. Denarius. 69 AD. Rome. (Ric-I 20). (Bmcre-9). (Rsc-11). Anv.: IMP OTHO CAESAR AVG TR P, bare head to right. Rev.: PONT MAX, Ceres standing to left, holding corn ears and cornucopiae. Ag. 2,90 g. Beautiful old cabinet tone. Sligthly iridiscent tone. Thin crack. Very scarce. Choice VF/VF. Est...800,00.

Starting bid

500 €

Vitellius. Denarius. 69 AD. Rome. (Ric-I 109). (Bmcre-39-40). (Rsc-111). Anv.: VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG TR P, laureate head to right. Rev.: XV VIR SACR FAC, Tripod-lebes, dolphin to right above, raven standing to right below. Ag. 3,09 g. Some bluish patina. Nice colour. Rare. XF. Est...700,00.

Starting bid

300 €

Vespasian. Aureus. 69-79 AD. Rome. (Ric-II.1, 840). (Calicó-622). Anv.: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head of Vespasian right. Rev.: COS VII, heifer standing right. Au. 7,27 g. It retains some luster. Beautiful colour. Minor nicks on edge. Almost XF. Est...5000,00.

Starting bid

2.500 €

Ex Chaves Collection

Vespasian. Aureus. 73 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 516). (Calicó-690a). Anv.: IMP CΛES VESP ΛVG CEN, laureate head right. Rev.: VES TΛ, Temple of Vesta: round-domed, tetrastyle temple with four steps leading up to it; statue of Vesta within, statue to left and right of temple. Au. 7,25 g.

Very well centered struck. Nice colour and traces of luster. Lovely specimen. Rare, even more in this state of preservation. Ex Chaves Collection.

The original Temple of Vesta is believed to have been built by Numa Pompilius along with the original Regia and House of the Vestal Virgins, though the site had already been the centre of the cult’s activity since the 7th century. The temple was the storehouse for the legal wills and documents of Roman Senators and relics such as the Palladium. Popular superstition held that the sacred fire of Vesta contained within was closely tied to the fortunes of the city, and its extinction was viewed as a portent of disaster. One of the earliest structures located in the Roman Forum, it was destroyed by fire and rebuilt several times. The present depiction is that of Nero’s restoration after the Great Fire of AD 64.  

The appearance of the temple as a type on the coinage of Vespasian is likely linked to the seriousness with which he took the role of Pontifex Maximus, head of Roman religion, a position which he assumed in 71 and which was followed by an explosion in types related to religion on the coinage. It is also appropriate that the founding emperor of the Flavian Dynasty should use the temple sacred to the goddess of hearth, home and family in Roman religion on his coinage.

It is perhaps a little ironic however, that while commemorating the temple built by Nero to replace that lost in the Great Fire, Vespasian had recently begun work building the Flavian Amphitheatre, or Colosseum. This lasting monument to the Flavian Dynasty stands over part of the large central area of Rome that Nero appropriated after the fire to build the lavish and extravagant Domus Aurea palace within, and was a symbolic act for Vespasian to be returning part of the city of Rome to her people
. XF. Est...12000,00.

Starting bid

5.000 €

Vespasian. Denarius. 70 AD. Epheso. (Ric-1416). (Rpc-823). Anv.: IMP CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS II T R PPP, laureate head right. Rev.: CONCORDIA AVG, Ceres seated left, on ornate high backed chair, holding corn ears, poppy and cornucopiae; BY monogram in exergue. Ag. 3,47 g. Soft tone. Minor traces of luster. Ex Numismatik Naumann 4 (02/06/2013), lot 279. Almost XF/XF. Est...500,00.

Starting bid

300 €

Ex Jean Vinchon 1992

Domitian. Aureus. 74-75 AD. Rome. (Ric-II.1 787 (Vespasian)). (Calicó-912). (Bmcre-155 (Vespasian)). Anv.: CAES AVG F DOMIT COS III. Laureate head right. Rev.: PRINCEPS IVVENTVT Spes advancing left, holding flower and raising robe. Au. 7,38 g.

Fantastic portrait. Very well-centered, sharp and luster. Rare in this condition. It was encapsulated by NGC as AU Strike, 5/5, Surface 4/5.

Ex Maison Palombo (21/10/2017), lot 39.
Ex Jean Vinchon (20/11/1992), lot 106
. Almost MS/AU. Est...30000,00.

Starting bid

15.000 €

Ex Classical Numismatic Group

Domitian. Denarius. 92-93 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 1.740). (Bmcre-202). (Rsc-281). Anv.: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P XII, laureate head to right. Rev.: IMP XXII COS XVI CENS P P P, Minerva standing to right on capital of rostral column, holding spear and shield; owl at feet on right. Ag. 3,60 g. It retains some luster. Very beautiful specimen. Ex Classical Numismatic Group 70 (21/09/2005), lot 915. AU. Est...400,00.

Starting bid

200 €

Nerva. Denarius. 97 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 19). (Bmcre-46). (Rsc-113). Anv.: IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS III P P, laureate head to right. Rev.: LIBERTAS PVBLICA, Libertas standing to left, holding pileus and short sceptre. Ag. 3,66 g. Magnificent piece. Plenty of original luster. Ex Tkalec (22/04/2007), lot 214. Mint state. Est...800,00.

Starting bid

300 €


Nerva. Denarius. 97 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 34). (Bmcre-56). (Rsc-51). Anv.: IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR POT II, laureate head to right. Rev.: COS III PATER PATRIAE, priestly emblems: simpulum, aspergillum, ewer, and lituus. Ag. 3,55 g. Magnificent piece. Strong strike and very centered struck with delicae patina and retains some minor luster. Ex Tkalec (22/04/2007), lot 213. XF/AU. Est...800,00.

Starting bid

300 €

Trajan. Aureus. 114-117 AD. Rome. (Ric-329). (Calicó-1038). Anv.: IMP CAES NER TRAIAN OPTIM AVG GERM DAC. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: PARTHICO P M TR P COS VI P P S P Q R•. Radiate and draped bust of Sol to right. Au. 6,98 g. Rare. VF. Est...3000,00.

Starting bid

1.500 €

19 10

Trajan. Denarius. 100 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 41). (Woytek-85a). (Bmcre-77). Anv.: IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM, laureate head to right. Rev.: P M TR P COS III P P, Victory seated to left, holding patera and palm. Ag. 3,41 g. Original luster. Sharply struck and very beautiful specimen. Ex Cayón (11/12/2006), lot 298. Almost MS. Est...400,00.

Starting bid

150 €

NGC - Ch AU★ 5/5, 5/5

Hadrian. Aureus. 134-138 AD. Rome. "Travel series" issue. (Ric-II.3, 1562). (Calicó-1176a). Anv.: HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS. Bare-headed and draped bust right. Rev.: ADVENTVI AVG ITALIAE. Hadrian, togate, standing left raising right hand and holding roll, facing Italia holding cornucopiae and sacrificing out of patera over garlanded altar. Au. 7,31 g.

Very rare and in exceptional condition for the issue, among the finest specimens in private hands. A portrait of masterly style and an interesting and fascinating reverse composition. Full luster original. Perfectly centered strike with magnificent eye appeal.

Slabbed by NGC as Ch AU★ Strike 5/5, Surface 5/5. Ex Numismatica Genevensis (03/12/2018), lot 43
. Est...50000,00.

Starting bid

30.000 €

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