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Session 1 | July 9th 2024 - 11:00 H
Session 2 | July 10th 2024 - 11:00 H

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Achaemenid Empire. Time of Xerxes I to Xerxes II. Siglos. 420-350 a.C. Sardes. (Carradice-tipo IVA). (Bmc arabia-175/177). (Klein-763). Anv.: Persian king or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys and with quiver over shoulder, in kneeling-running stance to right, holding dagger and strung bow. Rev.: Incuse punch. Ag. 5,26 g. Deposits in the reverse. Almost VF. Est...70,00.

Starting bid

40 €

6 3

Arvernes. Clermont-Ferrand Region. AE 16. Century I-II BC. (Lt-3952). (ABT-461). (Bn-3950/62). Anv.: Female head on the left with loose wavy hair. Rev.: (IIPOS). wader on the left. Ae. 1,25 g. VF/F. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

30 €

5 4

Kings of Bactria. Eukratides I. Obol. 171-135 a.C. Panjhir. (Mig-180d). (Sng Ans-452). Anv.: Diademed and draped bust right. Rev.: Caps of the Dioskouroi, each with palm frond; ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ to right, ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ to left, monogram K below. Ag. 0,59 g. VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

75 €

0 0

Bithynia. Prousias II Kynegos. AE 22. 182-149 a.C. Nicomedia. (Sng Cop-635). (Hgc-7,629). Anv.: Draped bust of Dionysos right, wearing ivy wreath. Rev.: [BA]ΣIΛEΩΣ / [Π]ΡΟYΣIO[Y]. The centaur Chiron standing right, head facing, playing lyre. Ae. 6,41 g. Slight rust. VF. Est...45,00.

Starting bid

25 €

2 2

Celts in Eastern Europe. Danube region. Drachm. Siglo I a.C. Danu. Imitating Alexander III of Macedon. (OTA-574). Anv.: Degraded head of Herakles to right, with prominent eye, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev.: Stylized Zeus Aëtophoros seated to left, holding scepter; forepart of lion? to left in left field, NIU to outer right. Ag. 3,41 g. Rare. F/VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

50 €

1 1

Cyprus. Kition. Tetradrachm. 325-320 a.C. In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. (Price-3110). (Zapiti & Michaelidou-18). Anv.: Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev.: Zeus Aëtophoros seated to left, holding sceptre; ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ below, ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟY to right, TK monogram in left field. Ag. 16,62 g. Struck under King Pumiathon. Smoothed in obverse. Almost XF. Est...400,00.

Starting bid

200 €

3 2

Euboia. Histiaia. Tetrobol. 196-146 a.C. (Bcd-Euboia 394). (Hgc-4,1542). Anv.: Wreathed head of the nymph Histiaia to right. Rev.: The nymph Histiaia seated to right on stern of galley, holding stylis; IΣTI(AIEΩN) around. Ag. 2,04 g. Choice VF. Est...65,00.

Starting bid

50 €

2 2

Euboia. Histiaia. Tetrobol. 196-146 a.C. (Bcd-Euboia 430/1). (Hgc-4, 1525). Anv.: Wreathed head of the nymph Histiaia to right. Rev.: The nymph Histiaia seated to right on stern of galley, holding stylis; wing on galley, (IΣTI)AIEΩN around. Ag. 1,78 g. VF/Almost VF. Est...65,00.

Starting bid

50 €

3 2

Euboia. Histiaia. Tetrobol. 196-146 a.C. (Bcd-Euboia 430/1). (Hgc-4, 1525). Anv.: Wreathed head of the nymph Histiaia to right. Rev.: The nymph Histiaia seated to right on stern of galley, holding stylis; wing on galley, IΣTIAIEΩ(N) around. Ag. 1,66 g. VF. Est...70,00.

Starting bid

50 €

2 2

Galia. Antipolis (Antibes). AE 15. 44-43 a.C. (Bmc-260). (Rpc-531). Anv.: (ΙΣ ΔΗ)M. Diademed head of Venus to right. Rev.: (ΑΝΤΙ) / ΛΕΠ. Victory standing to right, crowning trophy. Ae. 2,10 g. Rare. VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

80 €

1 1

Galia. Massalia. AE. 49 BC. (Lt-1972). (MHN-85 p.110). (Bn-2064). Anv.: Head of Minerva to right, with Corinthian helmet; front (MA)GA. Rev.: Eagle standing to right, with wings spread, to the right MASSA. Ae. 1,64 g. Scarce. Almost VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

50 €

0 0

Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Drachm. 229-100 a.C. Xenon and Pyrba- magistrates. (Sng Cop-495). Anv.: Cow standing right, looking back at suckling calf standing left below; eagle standing right with wings open, and ΞENΩN above, dog running right in exergue. Rev.: Double stellate pattern in double linear square; ΔYP ΦΙΛΟ-(ΔΑ-ΜΟY) around. Ag. 3,03 g. Almost XF. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

40 €

12 4

Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Drachm. 250-200 a.C. Meniskos and Dionysos magistrates. (Hgc-3.1,40). (Maier-201). Anv.: Cow standing right, looking back at suckling calf standing left below; bird standing right, and ΜΕΝΙΣΚΟΣ above. Rev.: Double stellate pattern in double linear square; ΔYP-ΔI(O-NY)-ΣIOY around. Ag. 3,03 g. Choice VF. Est...70,00.

Starting bid

35 €

4 2

Thrace Islands. Thasos. Diobol. 500-463 a.C. (Le Rider-Thasiennes 4). (Sng Cop-191/4). Anv.: Satyr running to right. Rev.: Quadripartite incuse square. Ag. 0,99 g. Almost VF. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

40 €

1 1

Western Kshatrapas. Rudrasena I (199-222 CE/121-144 SE). Drachm. SE 142. Kardamaka Family. (Fishman-13.2a.142). Anv.: Bust of king facing right, date behind. Rev.: A three-arched hill with wavy river line below, crescent moon and sun above, the Brahmi legend "Rajno Mahaksatrapasa Rudrasihasaputrasa Rajno Mahaksatrapasa Rudrasenasa" around the field. Ag. 2,02 g. Original Patina. VF/Choice VF. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

30 €

1 1

Moesia. Istros. Drachm. 313-280 a.C. (Hgc-3.2, 1801). Anv.: Two young male heads facing, side by side, one inverted. Rev.: Sea-eagle to left, clutching dolphin in its talons between two pellets; IΣTPIH above, AΠ monogram below dolphin. Ag. 4,40 g. VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

100 €

5 2

Mysia. Pergamon. AE 20. 133-27 a.C. (Sng Cop-393/5). (Sng Bnf-1880). Anv.: Helmeted head of Athena to right. Rev.: AΘHNAΣ NIKHΦOPOY, trophy consisting of helmet and cuirass; (monogram to lower right). Ae. 8,78 g. VF/Choice VF. Est...45,00.

Starting bid

25 €

5 3

Paphlagonia. Time of Mithradates VI. AE 20. 95-90 a.C. (SNG Stancomb-805). (Sng France-7, 153/5). (Hgc-7,453). Anv.: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev.: ΔΙΑΣE, eagle standing left on thunderbolt, head reverted, monogram in left and right field . Ae. 7,28 g. Choice VF. Est...50,00.

Starting bid

25 €

9 3

Thrace. Istros. Arrowhead Cast. Siglo VI-V a.C. (SNG Stancomb-128). (Sng Black Sea-218). Ae. 2,62 g. Bilobate arrowhead with axial spine. VF. Est...55,00.

Starting bid

30 €

8 3

Thrace. Apollonia Pontika. Drachm. 400-380 a.C. (Gc-1655). (Cy-1544). Anv.: Facing gorgoneion. Rev.: Anchor; A and crawfish flanking. Ag. 3,28 g. Toned. Almost XF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

50 €

12 6

Thrace. Chersonesos. Hemidrachm. 357-320 a.C. (McAlee-4071). (Bmc-43). (Hgc-3.2, 1437). Anv.: Forepart of lion to right, head reverted. Rev.: Quadripartite incuse square with alternating raised and sunken quarters; in two sunken quarters: pellet and VE monogram, pentagram over pellet. Ag. 2,48 g. A good sample. Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

70 €

4 3

Thrace. Chersonesos. Hemidrachm. 357-320 BC. Kardia. (McAlee-4124). (Hgc-3.1, 1437). Anv.: Forepart of lion to right, head reverted. Rev.: Quadripartite incuse square with alternating raised and sunken quarters; in two sunken quarters: H over pellet, flaming torch. Ag. 2,41 g. Slight patina. Choice VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

50 €

14 3

Kingdom of Parthia. Phraates IV. Drachm. 38-2 a.C. Mithradatkart. (Sellwood-54.8). (Shore-299). (Sunrise-396). Anv.: Diademed and draped bust to left, wart on forehead, wearing pointed beard and segmented necklet; star in crescent to left; to right, eagle to left, holding wreath. Rev.: Archer (Arsakes I) seated to right on throne, holding bow; monogram below bow. Ag. 3,39 g. Choice VF. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

30 €

4 3

Sassanid Empire. Khusro II. Drachm. ShY (Shiraz). (Göbl-II/2). Ag. 4,15 g. Almost XF. Est...45,00.

Starting bid

25 €

5 4

Sassanid Empire. Khusro II. Drachm. 590-628 d.C. (Göbl-II/2). Ag. 3,80 g. VF. Est...45,00.

Starting bid

20 €

1 1

Sassanid Empire. Khusro I. Drachm. RY 28 = 558/9 d.C. WH (Veh-Ardashir). (Göbl-II/2). Ag. 4,06 g. Almost VF/VF. Est...45,00.

Starting bid

25 €

1 1

Sassanid Empire. Khusro II. Drachm. RY 30 = 620/1 d.C. WYH (Veh-az-Amid-Kavād). (Göbl-II/3). Ag. 2,84 g. Almost VF/Choice VF. Est...45,00.

Starting bid

25 €

2 2

Kingdom of Axum. Ouzebas. Unit. 375-410 AD. (Hahn & Keck-MAKS 37a). (Hahn-Aksumite 26a). Anv.: ✠ OYΛZHBAC CΛCIΛEΥC Draped bust of Ouzebas to right, wearing tight-fitting head cloth and circular earring; to left and right, ears of barley. Rev.: ΤΟΥΤΟ ΑΡCC ✠ H TH XⲰΡΑ Draped bust of Ouzebas (or Ezanas?) to right, wearing tight-fitting head cloth and circular earring, within shallow round incuse inlaid in gold within circular border. Ae. 1,34 g. Almost VF. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

40 €

6 2

Hindu Shahis. Samanta Deva. Jital. 850-1000. Kabul. (Tye-14). Anv.: Recumbent zebu left; star, pellet, and upside-down crescent to left. Rev.: Rider facing on horseback to right, holding banner in his left hand; in field to left, 'bhi' (in Nagari). Ag. 3,20 g. VF. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

30 €

3 2

Asido. Half unit. 50 BC. Medina Sidonia (Cádiz). (Abh-157). Anv.: Bull right, crescent above and countermark with Libyan-Phoenician legend. Rev.: Dolphin right. Ae. 5,12 g. This type was erroneously cataloged by A. Burgos, interpreting the upper legend on the obverse as belonging to the coin, this being actually a countermark. Rare. Almost VF/F. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

60 €

0 0

Belikiom. Unit. 120-20 BC. Belchite (Zaragoza). (Abh-243). (Acip-1433). (C-4). Anv.: Bearded head right, iberian letter BE behind. Rev.: Horseman right, holding spear, iberian legend BELIKIOM. Ae. 9,36 g. VF. Est...70,00.

Starting bid

40 €

10 4

Caesaraugusta. Augustus period. Quadrans. 27 BC - 14 AD. Zaragoza. (Abh-341). (Acip-3040). Anv.: AVGVSTVS. IMP. Bare head of Augustus right. Rev.: M. POR. CN. FAD. II. VIR within laurel wreath. Ae. 3,63 g. VF. Est...50,00.

Starting bid

25 €

4 3

Carbula. Unit. 80 BC. Almodovar del Rio (Cordoba). (Abh-439). (Acip-2312). Anv.: Male head right, iberian letter TA behind and "snake"? before. Rev.: Lyre and legend CARBVLA within laurel wreath. Ae. 21,16 g. Choice F. Est...50,00.

Starting bid

25 €

5 3

Kastilo-Castulo. Half unit. 180 BC. Cazlona (Jaén). (Abh-722). (MIB-157/49c). Anv.: Diademed male head right, iberian letter KA before. Rev.: Bull right, (L and crescent) above, legend KASTILO below line. Ae. 4,18 g. Choice VF. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

30 €

2 2

Kastilo-Castulo. Unit. 180 BC. Cazlona (Jaén). (Abh-747). Anv.: (L. QVL. F. O). ISC. (F). Male head left. Rev.: Rapture of Europa right, (M. C. F) below. Ae. 12,27 g. Almost VF/Choice F. Est...50,00.

Starting bid

30 €

5 2

Ebusus. 1/4 calco. 200-100 BC. Ibiza. (Abh-923). (MIB-16/40). (Acip-719). Anv.: Bes wearing skirt, holding mace and snake. Rev.: Bull charging left. Ae. 3,28 g. VF/Choice VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

50 €

5 4

Ebusus. 1/2 calco. 200-100 BC. Ibiza. (Abh-940). (MIB-16/56). (Acip-733). Anv.: Bes holding mace and snake, cornucopia left. Rev.: Bes holding mace and snake, cornucopia left. Ae. 3,08 g. VF/Almost VF. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

30 €

12 6

Emporiton. Unit. 50-27 BC. L’Escala, Ampurias (Girona). (Abh-1246). Anv.: Head of Pallas right. Rev.: Pegasus right, laurel wreath above, EM(PORIT) below. Ae. 13,20 g. Dos contramarcas en anverso, delfín dentro de círculo y DD dentro de cartela rectangular. Almost F. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

20 €

27 5

Gades-Gadir. Hemiobol. 200-100 BC. Cadiz. (Abh-1310). (MIB-9/09). (Acip-636). Anv.: Head of Melkart left. Rev.: Tunny right. Ag. 0,42 g. Puncture. F. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

15 €

9 3

Gades-Gadir. Cuadrante. 100-20 BC. Cadiz. (Abh-1356). (MIB-9/75 var.). (Acip-681 var.). Anv.: Head of Hercules left, club behind. Rev.: Dolphin left, trident behind and punic legend above and below. Ae. 2,67 g. Pellet dividing the beginning of the lower legend from the reverse, apparently unpublished variant. Choice VF/VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

50 €

0 0

Ilerda. Augustus period. Unit. 27 BC - 14 AD. Lleida (Cataluña). (Abh-1487). (Acip-3199a). Anv.: IMP. AVGVST. DIVI. F. Head of Augustus right. Rev.: Wolf right, MVN. ILERDA above. Ae. 6,16 g. Choice F. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

40 €

1 1

Obulco. Unit. 220-20 BC. Porcuna (Jaén). (Abh-1789). Anv.: Female head right, OBVLOC before. Rev.: Plow left, ear of corn below, iberian legend ORCAILV/NTUSTULDUKO left, in between. Ae. 13,89 g. Choice F/Almost VF. Est...50,00.

Starting bid

25 €

6 3

Bolskan. Denarius. 180-20 BC. Huesca. (Abh-1911). (Acip-1417). Anv.: Bearded head right, iberian letters BON behind. Rev.: Horseman right, holding spear, iberian legend BOLSKAN below. Ag. 3,95 g. Slight iridiscent patina. Choice VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

80 €

7 5

Pax Iulia. Augustus period. Unit. 27 BC - 14 AD. Beja (Portugal). (Abh-1999). Anv.: Head of Augustus right. Rev.: PAX. IVL between lines. Ae. 3,61 g. Very rare. Almost F. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

50 €

23 3

Sekoberikes. Denarius. 120 - 30 a.C. Saelices (Cuenca). (Abh-2169). (Acip-1870). (C-6). Anv.: Male head to right with pellet on neck, behind crescent, below S. Rev.: Horseman with spear to the right sticking out two feet, below Iberian legend SEKOBIRIKES. Ag. 3,79 g. Cleaned. Almost VF. Est...65,00.

Starting bid

30 €

10 7

Tarraco. Augustus period. Unit. 27 BC - 14 AD. Tarragona. (Abh-2357). (Acip-3253). Anv.: IMP. CAES. AVG. TR. PON. MAX. P.P. around laureate head of Augustus right. Rev.: Bare head of Tiberius right, TI. CAESAR. C. V. T around. Ae. 8,28 g. F. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

20 €

4 3

Tarraco. Time of Tiberius. Unit. 14-36 AD. Tarragona. (Abh-2375). (Acip-3272). Anv.: TI. (CAESAR. DIVI). AVG. F. AVG. PONT. MAX. around bare head of Tiberius right. Rev.: C.V.T between heads of Germanicus and Drusus facing each other, CAESARES GERMANICVS. DRVSVS around. Ae. 8,10 g. Choice F. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

25 €

11 3

Titiakos. Unit. 120-20 BC. Tricio (La Rioja). (Abh-2393). (Acip-1893). (C-6). Anv.: Bearded head right, iberian letter TI behind. Rev.: Horseman right, holding spear, iberian legend TITIAKOS between two lines below. Ae. 10,14 g. Almost VF/VF. Est...65,00.

Starting bid

30 €

16 5

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