Subasta 144
Colección Príncipe de Viana

June 24th 2024 - 16:00 H

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Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Alfonso, I the ´Batallador´ (1104-1134). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.6.3/4). (Cru V.S-219). Anv.: A✴NFVS SAN=REX. Bust to left. Rev.: + ARAGONENSIS. Cross with base. Bi. 1,32 g. A good sample. Rare. Choice VF/Almost XF. Est...600,00.

Starting bid

250 €

3 3

Ros - Plate coin

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. García Ramírez IV, the Restorer (1134-1150). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.7.2 plate coin). Anv.:  ⋮ GARCIA REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NA-VAR. Tree crowned by a cross and 6 pointed stars on both sides. Bi. 1,11 g. Extremely rare. Choice VF/Almost XF. Est...3000,00.

Starting bid

1.500 €

Ros - Plate Coin

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. García Ramírez IV, the Restorer (1134-1150). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.7.2/1, Plate coin). Anv.:  GAR(CIA) REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NA-VAR. Tree crowned by a cross and stars on both sides. Bi. 0,67 g. No dots at the beginning of the obverse legend. Planchet break. Extremely rare. Choice VF. Est...2000,00.

Starting bid

500 €

5 2

NA-VIAR legend

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. García Ramírez IV, the Restorer (1134-1150). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.7.3, plate coin). Anv.:  ⋮ GARCIA REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NA-VIAR. Tree crowned by a cross and 6 pointed stars on both sides. Bi. 0,92 g. Thin crack, otherwise very good sample. Extremely rare, even more with thihs legend variety. Almost XF/XF. Est...4000,00.

Starting bid

1.500 €

Extremely rare

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. García Ramírez IV, the Restorer (1134-1150). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.7.5 var). Anv.: ︙GARCIA REX. Bust to left. Rev.: NAV-ARA. Between the upper and lower branches of a tree topped by a cross. Stars among the upper branches. Bi. 0,78 g. We have not found any auctioned specimens in the last 20 years. Extremely rare. Choice VF. Est...3000,00.

Starting bid

1.200 €

10 4

Extremely rare Obol

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. García Ramírez IV, the Restorer (1134-1150). Obol. Navarre. (Ros-3.7.6). Anv.: ︙GARCIA REX. Bust to left. Rev.: NAV-ARA. Between the upper and lower branches of a tree topped by a cross. Stars among the upper branches. Bi. 0,42 g. Light planchet break. Few sepecimens known. Pátina. Extremely rare. Choice VF. Est...2000,00.

Starting bid

900 €

3 2

Star behind the bust

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. García Ramírez IV, the Restorer (1134-1150). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.7.9 var). Anv.: GARCIA REX. Bust to left. Rev.: N▸AVARA. Cross on mound made with triangles. Stars in the upper quarters. Bi. 0,59 g. Six-pointed star behind the bust. Extremely rare. Almost VF/VF. Est...1500,00.

Starting bid

700 €

12 6

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. García Ramírez IV, the Restorer (1134-1150). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.7.9). Anv.: ︙GARCIA REX. Bust to left. Rev.: NAVARA. Cross on mound made with triangles. Stars in the upper quarters. Bi. 0,65 g. Fractured and repaired with glue. Very rare. Choice F/F. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

90 €

30 5

Extremely rare Obol

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. García Ramírez IV, the Restorer (1134-1150). Obol. Navarre. (Ros-3.7.10). Anv.: (G)ARCIA (REX). Bust to left. Rev.: NAVARE. Cross on mound made with triangles. Stars in the upper quarters. Bi. 0,23 g. Thin crack and slightly break planchet. Extremely rare. Choice F/Almost VF. Est...900,00.

Starting bid

400 €

7 2

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1). Anv.: ︙SAИCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry circles on each side. Bi. 0,79 g. Slight planchet break. A good sample. Rare, even more so in this grade. Almost XF. Est...500,00.

Starting bid

150 €

17 6

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1). Anv.: ︙SAИCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry circles on each side. Bi. 0,78 g. A good sample. Rare. VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

120 €

5 4

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry circles on each side. Bi. 0,53 g.  Light planchet break with delicate crack. Rare. VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

80 €

3 2

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry circles on each side. Bi. 0,79 g. Straightened fold crack. Rare. Almost VF/VF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

100 €

1 1

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1 var). Anv.: ︙SAИCIVS REX. Busto to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry circles on each side. Bi. 0,69 g. The "R" of NAVARA is slightly visible, apparently NAVAA legend. Slightly wavy flan. Very rare. XF/Almost XF. Est...900,00.

Starting bid

300 €

9 4

Rare in this grade

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1 var). Anv.: ︙SAИCIVS REX. Busto to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry circles on each side. Bi. 0,78 g. A good sample. Very rare, even more in this grade. XF/Almost XF. Est...1200,00.

Starting bid

400 €

17 6

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/1). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry circles on each side. Bi. 0,63 g. A good sample. Rare. Almost XF/Choice VF. Est...600,00.

Starting bid

250 €

19 3

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/1). Anv.: ︙SAИCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry circles on each side. Bi. 0,70 g. Rare. VF/Almost VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

120 €

29 2

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/1). Anv.: ︙SAИCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry circles on each side. Bi. 0,92 g. Choice F/Almost VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

80 €

5 4


Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/1 var.). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS REX. bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry circles on each side. Bi. 1,00 g. Bust of different style. Stellate roundels have 6 and 7 points. Rare. Almost XF. Est...600,00.

Starting bid

200 €

22 9

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/2). Anv.: ︙SAИCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry circles on each side. Bi. 0,88 g. No laying "S". Rare, even more in this condition. Choice VF/VF. Est...350,00.

Starting bid

120 €

25 6

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/2). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry circles on each side. Bi. 0,53 g.  Light planchet break with delicate crack. Rare. Choice VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

80 €

9 5

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/2). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry circles on each side. Bi. 1,21 g. Bust of different style. No laying "S". High weight. Rare. VF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

100 €

11 5

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/2). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry circles on each side. Bi. 0,72 g.  No laying "S". VF. Est...180,00.

Starting bid

80 €

13 7

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/3). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with five-pointed stars on the reverse. Bi. 0,89 g. No laying "S". VF/Almost VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

90 €

8 5

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/3). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with stars on each side. Bi. 0,50 g. Five-pointed stars in the reverse and no laying "S". Slight planchet break. VF/Almost VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

60 €

3 2

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/3). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with five-pointed stars. Bi. 0,83 g. No laying "S". Choice F. Est...180,00.

Starting bid

80 €

4 3

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/4). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS·REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with stars on each side. Bi. 0,50 g. Five-pointed stars in the reverse and laying "S". A very good sample, rare in this condition. Almost XF. Est...600,00.

Starting bid

200 €

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/4). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS · REX. Busto to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with 5 pointed stars on each side. Bi. 0,91 g. Youthful bust. Very rare. Almost XF. Est...400,00.

Starting bid

180 €

12 5

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/4). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with stars on each side. Bi. 0,62 g. Five-pointed stars in the reverse and laying "S". Choice VF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

100 €

1 1

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/4). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS·REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with stars on each side. Bi. 0,89 g. 5 pointed stars in reverse and no laying "S". Flan crack. Rare. Choice VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

90 €

1 1

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/4). Anv.: ︙SAИCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry circles on each side. Bi. 0,76 g. No laying "S". Rare . Almost VF/VF. Est...220,00.

Starting bid

100 €

9 5

Rare in this grade

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/4 var). (Cru V.S-193 var.). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS REX. bust to left. Rev.:  NAV-ARA. Tree crowned by cross. Bi. 1,37 g. Five pointed stars in the reverse. No laying "S". Attractive specimen. Rare in this grade. Almost XF. Est...2500,00.

Starting bid

800 €

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.1/5). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with stars on each side. Bi. 0,87 g. 5 pointed stars in reverse. Choice VF. Est...400,00.

Starting bid

150 €

9 3

Crude style

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Dinero. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.2). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with stars on each side. Bi. 0,82 g. Crude style. 6-pointed stars. Light planchet break. Very rare. Choice VF. Est...400,00.

Starting bid

150 €

6 4

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Obol. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.3). Anv.: ︙ SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with 5-pointed starss on each side. Bi. 0,22 g. Attractive. Rare, even more so in this grade. Almost XF/Choice VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

120 €

17 3

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Obol. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.3). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with 5-pointed starss on each side. Bi. 0,35 g. Large bust. Rare. Choice VF/VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

100 €

5 2

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Obol. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.3). Anv.: ︙ SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with 5-pointed stars on each side. Bi. 0,31 g. Rare, even more so in this grade. Choice VF/VF. Est...350,00.

Starting bid

120 €

5 4

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Obol. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.3). Anv.: ︙ SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with 5-pointed starss on each side. Bi. 0,32 g. Rare. VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

80 €

2 2

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Obol. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.3). Anv.: ︙ SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with 5-pointed starss on each side. Bi. 0,37 g. Rare. Almost VF/VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

70 €

1 1

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Obol. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.3). Anv.: : SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with 5-pointed stars on each side. Bi. 0,89 g. Very rare. Choice F. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

90 €

1 1

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Obol. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.3 var). Anv.: ︙ SANCIVS : REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with 5-pointed starss on each side. Bi. 0,37 g. Small bust. Rare. Choice VF/Almost XF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

120 €

5 3

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Obol. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.3 var). Anv.: ︙SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with 5-pointed starss on each side. Bi. 0,36 g. Large bust. Rare. Choice VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

120 €

3 3

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Obol. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.3 var). Anv.: ︙ SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with 5-pointed starss on each side. Bi. 0,30 g. Different style. Very rare. Choice VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

150 €

1 1

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Obol. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.3/1). Anv.: ︙ SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with 5-pointed starss on each side. Bi. 0,35 g. No laying "S". Large flan. Rare in this condition. Choice VF. Est...400,00.

Starting bid

150 €

1 1

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Obol. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.3/1). Anv.: ︙ SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with 5-pointed starss on each side. Bi. 0,37 g. No laying "S". Rare. Almost VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

60 €

2 2

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Obol. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.3/1). Anv.: ︙ SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with 5-pointed starss on each side. Bi. 0,19 g. No laying "S". Planchet break. F. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

30 €

3 2


Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Obol. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.3/2). Anv.: ︙ SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry roundels on each side. Bi. 0,51 g. Small bust. Magnificent piece. It retains some minor luster. Large flan. Very rare, even more in this grade. Almost XF. Est...1500,00.

Starting bid

500 €

Kingdom of Navarre and Aragon. Sancho VI, the Wise (1150-1194). Obol. Navarre. (Ros-3.8.3/2). Anv.: ︙ SANCIVS REX. Bust to left. Rev.:  NAVARA. Tree crowned by a cross with starry roundels on each side. Bi. 0,38 g. Slight bend. Small bust. Very rare. Almost VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

120 €

1 1

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