Auction 154
Spanish Coins Vol. XXI

Session 1 | February 17th 2025 - 16:00 H
Session 2 | February 18th 2025 - 16:00 H
Session 3 | February 19th 2025 - 16:00 H
Session 4 | February 20th 2025 - 16:00 H

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Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1821. Mexico. JJ. (Cal-1337). Ag. 27,02 g. Well struck. Minimal hairlines. It retains some minor luster. Almost XF/XF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

100 €

Current bid

110 €

2 2

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1821. Mexico. JJ. (Cal-1337). Ag. 26,94 g. Choice VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

70 €

Current bid

70 €

1 1

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1821. Mexico. JJ. (Cal-1337). Ag. 26,95 g. Slightly cleaned. Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

70 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1821. Mexico. JJ. (Cal-1337). Ag. 26,90 g. Slightly cleaned. Choice VF/Almost XF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

60 €

Current bid

60 €

1 1

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1821. Mexico. JJ. (Cal-1337). Ag. 26,52 g. Cleaned. Choice F/Almost VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

50 €

Current bid

50 €

1 1

NGC - XF 45 BN

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1812. Morelos. (Cal-1345). (Km-233.2). Ae. No ornaments. Roman 1's. Slight weakness areas. Slabbed by NGC as XF 45 BN. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

80 €

No bids

0 0

NGC - AU 58 BN

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1813. Morelos. (Cal-1346). (Km-233.2). Ae. No ornaments. Number 3 straight and Arabic 1's. Multiple adjustment lines. Slabbed by NGC as AU 58 BN. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

120 €

Current bid

120 €

1 1

NGC - XF 45 BN

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1813. Morelos. (Cal-1343). (Km-234). Ae. With ornaments. Number 3 straight and Arabic 1's. Dot after the date. Minimal setting stripes. Slabbed by NGC as XF 45 BN. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

80 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1814. Morelos. (Cal-1344). Ae. 20,87 g. A good sample for this type. Scarce in this grade. Almost XF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

80 €

Current bid

170 €

11 3

NGC - AU 55 BN

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1814. Morelos. (Cal-1344). (Km-234). Ae. With ornaments. Very good stricke for this type. Usual adjustment lines. Scarce, even more in this state of preservation. Slabbed by NGC as AU 55 BN. Est...350,00.

Starting bid

120 €

Current bid

120 €

1 1

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1813. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1375). Ag. 27,00 g. It retains some luster. Minor contact marks. Choice VF/Almost XF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

80 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1813. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1375). Ag. 26,96 g. Slightly cleaned. Choice VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

70 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1814. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1378). Ag. 26,93 g. Patina. Choice VF. Est...160,00.

Starting bid

80 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1815. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1379). Ag. 27,01 g. Weak strike. Almost VF. Est...110,00.

Starting bid

60 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1816. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1380). Ag. 27,03 g. Almost VF/VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

60 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1817. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1381). Ag. 27,10 g. Minor marks on obverse. It retains some minor luster. Almost XF/XF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

100 €

Current bid

100 €

1 1

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1817. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1381). Ag. 26,81 g. With some original luster remaining. Choice VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

70 €

No bids

0 0

NGC - AU 58

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1818. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1383). Ag. Original luster. Slabbed by NGC as AU 58. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

120 €

Current bid

120 €

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1818. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1382). Ag. 27,01 g. Minimal hairlines. Faint scratches. It retains some luster. XF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

120 €

No bids

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1818. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1382). Ag. 27,03 g. Lightly toned. It retains some original luster, particularly on reverse. Almost XF/XF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

120 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1818. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1382). Ag. 27,03 g. Faint scratches. Gorgeous reverse. Original luster, even more in the reverse. Almost XF/AU. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

150 €

No bids

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1818. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1382). Ag. 27,19 g. Minimal hairlines. Lightly toned. Almost XF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

100 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1819. Mexico. JJ. (Cal-1334). Ag. 26,55 g. Cleaned. Almost VF/VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

50 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1820. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1384). Ag. 26,95 g. Minimal hairlines. It retains some minor luster. Almost XF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

100 €

Current bid

100 €

1 1

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1821. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1385). Ag. 26,11 g. Scratches. Cleaned. Choice VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

50 €

Current bid

50 €

1 1

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1822. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1386). Ag. 26,94 g. Cleaned. VF/Choice VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

60 €

Current bid

60 €

1 1

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1822. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1386). Ag. 26,10 g. Surface corrosion removed. Almost VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

50 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1823. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1388). Ag. 26,96 g. Beautiful patina. A good sample. Choice VF/Almost XF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

150 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1823. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1388). Ag. 27,11 g. Minor nicks on edge. Soft tone. Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

60 €

Current bid

60 €

1 1

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1824. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1391). Ag. 26,70 g. Hairlines. Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

70 €

Current bid

75 €

2 2

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1824. Potosi. PJ. (Cal-1391). Ag. 26,98 g. It retains some original luster on reverse. VF/Almost XF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

70 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1824. Potosi. J. (Cal-1392). Ag. 26,82 g. Cleaned. Rare. Almost VF. Est...160,00.

Starting bid

90 €

Current bid

90 €

1 1

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1825. Potosi. JL. (Cal-1394). Ag. 26,83 g. Slightly cleaned. Choice VF. Est...110,00.

Starting bid

60 €

Current bid

70 €

3 2

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1825. Potosi. JL. (Cal-1394). Ag. 26,97 g. Choice VF. Est...140,00.

Starting bid

80 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1825. Potosi. JL. (Cal-1394). Ag. 26,96 g. Republican coinage. It retains some original luster on reverse. VF/Choice VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

70 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1825. Potosi. JL. (Cal-1394). Ag. 26,84 g. Minor nicks on obverse. Lightly toned. VF/Choice VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

80 €

Current bid

80 €

1 1

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1825. Potosi. JL. (Cal-1394). Ag. 26,34 g. Republican coinage. Minor roughness. VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

60 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1809. Santiago. FJ. (Cal-1400). Ag. 26,82 g. Admiral bust without laurea. Jacket without buttons. Hairline on reverse. Lightly toned. Rare. Choice VF/VF. Est...1500,00.

Starting bid

750 €

Current bid

1.201 €

11 2

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1810. Santiago. FJ. (Cal-1403). Ag. 26,60 g. Laureate admiral bust. Lightly toned. Scarce. Choice VF. Est...1100,00.

Starting bid

600 €

Current bid

1.000 €

8 3


Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1812. Santiago. FJ. (Cal-1405). Ag. 26,70 g. First-year laureate bust. Patina. Rare. VF. Est...800,00.

Starting bid

500 €

Current bid

500 €

1 1

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1808. Sevilla. CN. (Cal-1411). Ag. 26,52 g. Bare bust. Cleaned. Scarce. Almost XF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

120 €

Current bid

170 €

7 4

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1808. Sevilla. CN. (Cal-1411). Ag. 26,74 g. Bare bust. Scarce. Choice VF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

150 €

No bids

0 0

NGC - AU 58

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1809. Sevilla. CN. (Cal-1411). Ag. Bare bust. Slabbed by NGC as AU 58. Est...450,00.

Starting bid

200 €

No bids

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1809. Sevilla. CN. (Cal-1412). Ag. 26,93 g. Bare bust. Soft tone. Original luster. Scarce in this grade. XF. Est...350,00.

Starting bid

200 €

No bids

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 181. Sevilla. CJ. (Cal-1418). Ag. 27,18 g. Laureate bust. Minor striking error on edge. Cleaned. Choice VF. Est...180,00.

Starting bid

100 €

Current bid

110 €

2 2

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1818. Sevilla. CJ. (Cal-1419). Ag. 27,17 g. Minimal hairlines. Slight cleaning. Original luster. AU. Est...800,00.

Starting bid

400 €

Current bid

400 €

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1818. Sevilla. CJ. (Cal-1419). Ag. 27,14 g. Hairlines. Cleaned. XF. Est...400,00.

Starting bid

200 €

No bids

0 0

Ferdinand VII (1808-1833). 8 reales. 1818. Sevilla. CJ. (Cal-1419). Ag. 27,01 g. Soft tone. Almost VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

90 €

No bids

0 0

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