Auction 149
Ancient World Vol. XIX

Session 1 | October 1st 2024 - 16:00 H
Session 2 | October 2nd 2024 - 16:00 H

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Trajan. Denarius. 107-108 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 127 var.). (Woytek-266b). (Bmcre-319/21). Anv.: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate bust to right, slight drapery on far shoulder. Rev.: COS V P P S P Q R OPTIMO PRINC, Spes advancing to right, holding flower and raising skirt. Ag. 3,28 g. Hairlines on reverse. Choice VF/VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

60 €

Current bid

60 €

1 1

Trajan. Denarius. 103-111 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 119). (Woytek-279b). (Bmcre-288). Anv.: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate bust to right, slight drapery on far shoulder. Rev.: COS V P P S P Q R OPTIMO PRINC, Aequitas seated to left, holding scales and cornucopiae. Ag. 3,56 g. VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

50 €

No bids

0 0

Trajan. Denarius. 108-109 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 121). (Bmcre-301). (Rsc-81). Anv.: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P (M TR P), laureate bust to right, slight drapery on far shoulder. Rev.: COS V P P S P Q R OPTIMO (PRINC), Felicitas standing to left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae. Ag. 3,20 g. Choice F. Est...35,00.

Starting bid

15 €

Current bid

15 €

1 1

Trajan. Denarius. 114-116 AD. Rome. (Ric-344). (Woytek-519f). Anv.: IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIM AVG GER DAC. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: P M TR P COS VI P P S P (Q R). Felicitas standing front, head to left, holding caduceus in her right hand and cornucopiae in her left. Ag. 3,11 g. Choice F. Est...35,00.

Starting bid

15 €

Current bid

20 €

3 2

Trajan. Denarius. 114-117 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 337). (Woytek-520v). (Bmcre-536). Anv.: IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GER DAC, laureate and draped bust to right. Rev.: P M TR P COS VI P P S P Q R, Mars walking to right, holding spear and trophy. Ag. 3,40 g. Cleaned. Scratches on reverse. VF. Est...85,00.

Starting bid

50 €

Current bid

50 €

1 1

Trajan. Denarius. 113-114 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 275). (Woytek-421v). (Rsc-398). Anv.: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate and draped bust to right. Rev.: S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Genius standing facing, head to left, holding patera and corn ears. Ag. 3,26 g. Delicate patina. Choice VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

100 €

No bids

0 0

Trajan. Sestertius. 111 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 463). (Bmcre-873). Anv.: IMP (CAES NERVAE) TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate head to right, slight drapery on far shoulder. Rev.: (S P) Q R OPTI(MO PRINCIPI), River god reclining to left under arched grotto supported by two columns, resting arm on urn and holding reed; (AQVA TRAIANA) in two lines in exergue, (S-C) to left and right of exergue. Ae. 25,83 g. Scarce. Choice F. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

60 €

Current bid

60 €

1 1

Trajan. Sestertius. 98-117 AD. Rome. (Ric-504). (Woytek-200f/1º). Anv.: IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev.: S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI. Pax, with foot set upon Dacian, standing left, holding branch and cornucopia; S-C across fields. Ae. 27,53 g. Scarce. Choice VF. Est...600,00.

Starting bid

300 €

No bids

0 0

Trajan. Sestertius. 116-117 AD. Armenia. (Ric-642). Rev.: Trajan, laureate and in military attire, standing right, holding reversed spear in his right hand and parazonium in his left; before, Armenia seated left, head turned to right; to left and right, Tigris and Euphrates. Ae. 25,48 g. Choice F. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

75 €

No bids

0 0

Trajan. Sestertius. 114-117 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 672). (Woytek-534v). (Banti-106). Anv.: IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIM AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate and draped bust to right. Rev.: SENATVS POPVLVSQVE ROMANVS, Felicitas standing facing, head to left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae; S-C across fields. Ae. 27,13 g. Atractive green patina. Ex Áureo (19/12/2001), lot 209. Choice VF. Est...1000,00.

Starting bid

600 €

No bids

0 0

Trajan. Dupondius. 113 AD. Rome. (Ric-626). (Ch-146). Anv.: IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P. His bust radiate and draped. Rev.: FELIC(ITAS) AVGVST S C. Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and cornucopia. Ae. 12,89 g. Artificial patina. Almost XF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

200 €

No bids

0 0

Trajan. Cappadocia. Didrachm. 98-99 AD. Caesarea-Eusebia. (Sydenham-163). (Rpc-III 2986). (Metcalf-53). Anv.: AYT KAIC NЄP TPAIANOC CЄB ΓЄPM Laureate head of Trajan to right. Rev.: ΔHM ЄΞ YΠAT B Tyche standing front, head to left, holding rudder in her right hand and cornucopiae in her left. Ag. 6,67 g. VF. Est...140,00.

Starting bid

80 €

No bids

0 0

Hadrian. Denarius. 119-120 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 3 198). (Bmcre-320). (Rsc-1353). Anv.: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust to right, slight drapery on far shoulder. Rev.: P M TR P COS III, Salus seated to left, holding patera, feeding snake rising from altar; SALVS AVG in exergue. Ag. 2,90 g. VF/Almost VF. Est...70,00.

Starting bid

40 €

Current bid

40 €

1 1

Hadrian. Denarius. 120-121 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 3 394). (Bmcre-170). (Rsc-1155a). Anv.: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right, slight drapery on left shoulder. Rev.: P M TR P COS III, Fortuna standing facing, head to left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Ag. 2,76 g. Slight patina. Minor scratches on obverse. VF. Est...85,00.

Starting bid

45 €

Current bid

45 €

1 1

Hadrian. Denarius. 120-121 AD. Rome. (Ric-II.3 396). (Bmcre-212). (Rsc-1131). Anv.: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head to right. Rev.: P M TR P COS III, Victory flying to right, holding trophy. Ag. 3,31 g. Choice VF/Almost XF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

75 €

Current bid

90 €

4 2

Hadrian. Denarius. 121/123 AD. Rome. (Ric-II. 3 541). (Bmcre-146). (Rsc-1099). Anv.: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate and draped bust to right. Rev.: P M TR P COS III, Roma seated to left on pile of arms, holding Victory and sceptre. Ag. 2,95 g. Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

70 €

Current bid

70 €

1 1

Hadrian. Denarius. 125 AD. Rome. (Ric-II.3 371). (Bmcre-289). (Rsc-907). Anv.: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head to right. Rev.: P M (T)R P COS III, Libertas standing facing, head to left, holding pileus and sceptre; LIB-PVB across fields. Ag. 2,89 g. Toned. Included collector´s label. VF. Est...65,00.

Starting bid

30 €

Current bid

50 €

5 4

Hadrian. Denarius. 130-133 AD. Rome. (Ric-II. 3 1502). (Bmcre-824). (Rsc-154). Anv.: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head to right. Rev.: ALEXANDRIA, Alexandria standing left, holding sistrum and snake in basket. Ag. 3,48 g. VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

70 €

Current bid

75 €

2 2

Hadrian. Denarius. 130-133 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 3 1544). (Bmcre-857/9). (Rsc-989). Anv.: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head to right. Rev.: NILVS, Nilus reclining to right, holding reed and cornucopiae, hippopotamus to right. Ag. 2,65 g. Almost VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

50 €

No bids

0 0

Hadrian. Denarius. 133-135 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 3 2053 var.). (Bmcre-739 var.). (C-1427 var.). Anv.: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P Bare head to left, without drapery. Rev.: TELLVS STABIL Tellus standing front, head to left, holding plow with his right hand and short rake with his left; at feet to right, two stalks of grain. Ag. 3,55 g. Slight patina. Almost VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

60 €

No bids

0 0


Hadrian. Denarius. 130-133 AD. Rome. (Ric-1535). (Bmcre-846). (C-822). Anv.: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P Bare head of Hadrian to right. Rev.: HISPANIA Hispania reclining left, holding branch in her right hand and resting her left elbow on rock; below her left elbow, rabbit to right. Ag. 3,24 g. Scarce. VF/Choice VF. Est...500,00.

Starting bid

250 €

No bids

0 0

Hadrian. Sestertius. 118 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 3 150). (Bmcre-1130). Anv.: IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust to right, slight drapery on far shoulder. Rev.: PONT MAX TR POT COS II, Fortuna seated to left, holding rudder and cornucopia;S C across fields, FORT RED in exergue. Ae. 25,14 g. Almost XF. Est...850,00.

Starting bid

500 €

No bids

0 0

Hadrian. Sestertius. 118 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 3, 178 = 560). (Bmcre-1143). (C-180 var.). Anv.: IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head to right, slight drapery on far shoulder. Rev.: PONT MAX TR POT COS II, Annona standing to left, holding corn-ears and cornucopiae, modius with corn-ears and poppy at feet to left, prow of ship behind to right; S-C across fields, ANNONA AVG in exergue. Ae. 18,87 g. Beautiful portrait. Delicate patina, mainly on the edge where notable flaws can be seen. Ex Scipio collection 1125 (24/02/2022), lot 2286. Almost VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

100 €

Current bid

160 €

7 2

Hadrian. Tetradrachm. RY 10 = 125/6 AD. Egypt. Alexandria. (Dattari-7508). (Emmett-804.10). (K&G-32.337). Anv.: ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ CЄΒ Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: Agathodaemon serpent erect right, wearing skhent, with a caduceus in its coils and facing Uraeus serpent erect left, wearing horns and solar disc, with a sistrum in its coils; L ∆ E KAT OV (date) around. Bi. 12,96 g. VF/Choice VF. Est...160,00.

Starting bid

100 €

No bids

0 0

Sabina. Unit. 130-133 AD. Rome. (Ric-II 3 2517). (Bmcre-1893). (C-23). Anv.: SABINA AVGVSTA HADRIANI AVG P P, draped bust to left, wearing wreath and stephane, hair in knot at nape of neck. Rev.: CONCORDIA AVG, Concordia seated to left, holding patera and resting arm on statuette of Spes; cornucopia below seat, SC in exergue. Ae. 12,67 g. Rare. VF. Est...500,00.

Starting bid

250 €

No bids

0 0

Antoninus Pius. Denarius. 139 AD. Rome. (Ric-48). (Bmcre-96). (C-851). Anv.: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P Bare head to right. Rev.: TR POT COS II Felicitas standing front, head to left, holding caduceus in her right hand and cornucopiae in her left. Ag. 3,51 g. A good sample. It retains some minor luster. Lightly toned. XF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

70 €

Current bid

90 €

Antoninus Pius. Denarius. 140-143 AD. Rome. (Ric-III 61). (Bmcre-173). (Rsc-14). Anv.: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head to right. Rev.: AEQVITAS AVG, Aequitas standing to left, holding scales and long sceptre. Ag. 3,05 g. VF. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

45 €

No bids

0 0

Antoninus Pius. Denarius. 146 AD. Rome. (Ric-127). (Rsc-228). Anv.: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P. Laureate head to right. Rev.: COS IIII. Aequitas standing facing, head to left, holding scales and rod. Ag. 3,48 g. Original luster. Attractive. Ex Áureo 361 (18/02/2021), lot 126. XF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

180 €

Current bid

190 €

2 2

Antoninus Pius. Denarius. 147-148 AD. Rome. (Ric-162). (Bmc-621). (C-283). Anv.: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XI Laureate head to right. Rev.: COS IIII Annona standing front, head to left, holding grain ears over modius in her right hand and anchor in her left. Ag. 3,41 g. Attractive. Beautiful iridescent patina on obverse. XF/Almost XF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

70 €

Current bid

70 €

Antoninus Pius. Denarius. 151-152 AD. Rome. (Ric-III 203). (Bmcre-762). (Rsc-196). Anv.: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XV, laureate head to right. Rev.: COS IIII, Vesta standing to left, holding simpulum and palladium. Ag. 3,41 g. Graffiti on reverse. Choice VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

50 €

No bids

0 0

Antoninus Pius. Denarius. 151-152 AD. Rome. (Ric-III 218). (Bmcre-757). (Rsc-826). Anv.: IMP CAES T AEL HADR ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head to right. Rev.: TR POT XV COS IIII, Tranquillitas standing facing, head to right, holding rudder on globe and corn ears; TRANQ in exergue. Ag. 3,41 g. Well-centered struck. Toned. VF. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

50 €

No bids

0 0

Antoninus Pius. Denarius. 153-154 AD. Rome. (Ric-III 229a). (Bmcre-806). (Rsc-198). Anv.: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XVII, laureate head to right. Rev.: COS IIII, Vesta standing to left, holding simpulum and palladium. Ag. 3,17 g. Choice VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

50 €

No bids

0 0

Antoninus Pius. Denarius. 159-159 AD. Rome. (Ric-III 290a). (Bmcre-939). (Rsc-804). Anv.: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXII, laureate head to right. Rev.: TEMPLVM DIV AVG REST, octastyle temple, in which are seated statues of Divus Augustus and Livia; COS IIII in exergue. Ag. 3,46 g. Almost VF/VF. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

45 €

No bids

0 0

Antoninus Pius. Sestertius. 140-141 AD. Rome. (Ric-III 605). (Bmcre-1241). (C-400). Anv.: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head to right. Rev.: GENIO SENATVS, the Genius of the Senate standing to left, holding branch and short sceptre; S-C across fields. Ae. 23,57 g. VF/Almost VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

70 €

No bids

0 0

Antoninus Pius. Sestertius. 143-144 AD. Rome. (Ric-III 717). (Banti-179). Anv.: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, Laureate and draped bust right. Rev.: IMPERATOR II, Victory flying to right, holding trophy in both hands. Ae. 27,26 g. Choice VF/Choice F. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

60 €

No bids

0 0

Antoninus Pius. Dupondius. 157 AD. Rome. (Ric-III 969). Anv.: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP IMP II. Radiate head right. Rev.: TR POT XX COS IIII., Annona standing right, left foot on prow, holding rudder set on globe and modius on knee, S-C across fields. Ae. 11,69 g. Almost XF/Choice VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

80 €

No bids

0 0

Antoninus Pius. Unit. 143-144 AD. Rome. (Ric-III 733). (Bmcre-1624). (C-450). Anv.: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head to right. Rev.: IMPERATOR II, sow standing to right, under oak tree, suckling four young; two more to right; S C in exergue. Ae. 10,20 g. Rare. Almost VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

60 €

No bids

0 0

Antoninus Pius. Unit. 143-144 AD. Rome. (Ric-III 736a). (Bmcre-1629). (C-30). Anv.: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head to right. Rev.: IMPERATOR II, two ancilia; S-C across fields, ANCILIA in exergue. Ae. 12,16 g. VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

70 €

No bids

0 0

Antoninus Pius. Tetradrachm. RY 7 = 143/4 AD. Egypt. Alexandria. (Dattari-2178). (RPC-13508). Anv.: ΑΝΤѠΝΙΝΟС СЄΒ ЄVСЄΒ, laureate head right. Rev.: Athena-Dikaiosyne standing facing, head left, holding scales and cornucopiae, set on ground to right, shield; L-Z across fields. Bi. 12,84 g. VF/Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

80 €

No bids

0 0

Faustina Senior. Denarius. 146 AD. Rome. (Ric-371 (Antoninus Pius)). (Rsc-119). Anv.: DIVA FAVSTINA. Draped bust right. Rev.: AVGVSTA. Vesta, veiled, seated left, holding patera and sceptre. Ag. 3,14 g. Struck under Antoninus Pius. Almost XF/XF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

80 €

Current bid

80 €

1 1

Marcus Aurelius. Denarius. 145-160 AD. Rome. (Ric-III 429a (Pius). (Bmcre-594 (Pius)). (Rsc-110). Anv.: AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F, bare head to right. Rev.: COS II, Honos standing to left, holding branch and cornucopiae. Ag. 336,00 g. Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

75 €

No bids

0 0

Marcus Aurelius. Denarius. 161-180 AD. Rome. (Ric-148). Anv.: ANTONINVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX. Laureate head right. Rev.: PIETAS AVG TR P XX COS III. Pietas standing left, sacrificing over lighted altar and holding incense box. Ag. 3,30 g. Almost XF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

70 €

Current bid

85 €

4 4

Marcus Aurelius. Denarius. 170-171 AD. Rome. (Ric-III 245). (Bmcre-548). (Rsc-493a). Anv.: IMP M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXV, laureate head to right. Rev.: PRIMI DECENNALES COS III, written in five lines within laurel-wreath. Ag. 3,28 g. VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

60 €

Current bid

60 €

1 1

Marcus Aurelius. Denarius. 174-175 AD. Rome. (Ric-305 (IMP VII)). Anv.: M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXVIII, laureate head right. Rev.: IMP VI COS III, Roma standing left, holding Victory and spear. Ag. 3,29 g. Rare. Almost XF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

80 €

No bids

0 0

Marcus Aurelius. Denarius. 179 AD. Rome. (Ric-406). (Bmcre-786). (Rsc-970). Anv.: M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right. Rev.: TR P XXXIII IMP X COS III P P, Mars standing right, holding spear and leaning on shield. Ag. 2,86 g. Choice VF/VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

60 €

No bids

0 0

Divus Marcus Aurelius. Sestertius. 180 AD. Rome. (Ric-III 654). (Bmcre-385). Anv.: DIVVS M ANTONINVS PIVS, bare head to right. Rev.: CONSECRATIO, eagle standing right on globe, head left; S-C across lower fields. Ae. 23,45 g. Fields fully tooled and smoothed. XF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

150 €

Current bid

150 €

1 1

Marcus Aurelius. Unit. 145 AD. Rome. (Ric-III 1269). (Bmcre-1801). (C-1023). Anv.: AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG P II F COS II, bare head to right. Rev.: VOTA PVBLICA, Aurelius, on right standing to left, and Faustina II, on left standing to right, clasping hands in front of Concordia who stands facing, head to right, between them with her hands on their shoulders; SC in exergue. Ae. 11,33 g. Rare, even more in this grade. XF. Est...1000,00.

Starting bid

600 €

No bids

0 0

Faustina Junior. Denarius. 161-176 AD. Rome. (Ric-III 677). (Bmcre-91/5). (Rsc-99). Anv.: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust to right. Rev.: FECVNDITAS, Fecunditas standing to right, holding sceptre and infant. Ag. 3,17 g. Choice VF/VF. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

50 €

No bids

0 0

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