Auction 149
Ancient World Vol. XIX

Session 1 | October 1st 2024 - 16:00 H
Session 2 | October 2nd 2024 - 16:00 H

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Crispus. Follis. 326 AD. Trier. (Ric-VII 477). Anv.: FL IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: PROVIDENTIAE CAESS, camp gate with no doors and two turrets; star above, STR(pellet in crescent) in exergue. Ae. 2,53 g. XF. Est...40,00.

Starting bid

20 €

No bids

0 0

Constantinus II. Follis. 317-320 AD. Nicomedia. (Ric-VII 36). Anv.: D N FL CL CONSTANTINVS NOB C. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: PROVIDENTIAE CAESS. Jupiter, nude but for chlamys, standing to left, holding Victory on globe and leaning on sceptre; palm branch in left field, • above Z in right field, SMN in exergue. Ae. 3,45 g. Choice VF. Est...40,00.

Starting bid

20 €

No bids

0 0

Constantinus II. Follis. 333-334 AD. Cyzicus. (Ric-VII 81). Anv.: CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C. Laureate and cuirassed bust right. Rev.: GLORIA EXERCITVS. Two soldiers standing facing, heads facing one another and each holding spear; between them two signa; SMKΓ in exergue. Ae. 2,90 g. Choice VF. Est...40,00.

Starting bid

25 €

No bids

0 0

Constantinus II. Follis. 327-328 AD. Trier. (Ric-VII 505). Anv.: CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to left. Rev.: PROVIDENTIAE CAESS, camp gate with no doors, two turrets, star above; STRE below. Ae. 2,92 g. It retains some original silvering. AU/XF. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

20 €

No bids

0 0

Hannibaliano. Follis. 336-337 AD. Constantinople. (Ric-147). Anv.: FL HANNIBALLIANO REGI Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: SE(CV)RITAS PVBLICA.The river-god Euphrates reclining right, leaning on scepter; urn at side from which water flows, reed in background, CONSS in exergue. Ae. 1,41 g. VF/Choice VF. Est...140,00.

Starting bid

70 €

Current bid

70 €

1 1

Magnentius. Centenionalis. 351-352 AD. Lugdunum. (Ric-130). (BIR-305). Rev.: VICTORIAE DD NN AVG ET CAES, two Victories standing facing each other, holding between them wreath inscribed VOT V MVLT X in four lines; SV in field, RPLC in exergue. Ae. 4,60 g. VF. Est...75,00.

Starting bid

40 €

No bids

0 0

Vetranius. Centenionalis. 350 AD. Thessalonica. (Ric-131). Anv.: D N VETRANIO P F AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev.: CONCORDIA MILITVM, Emperor standing facing, head left, holding two standards with Chi-Rho banners; star above, A-A across fields, •TSA• in exergue. Ae. 5,45 g. Almost XF/Choice VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

100 €

No bids

0 0

Vetranius. Centenionalis. 350 AD. Siscia. (Ric-VIII 285). Anv.: D N VETRANIO P F AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right; A behind, star in front. Rev.: CONCORDIA MILITVM, Emperor standing facing, head to left, holding two standards with Chi-Rho banners, star above; A in left field, •ASIS• in exergue. Ae. 5,32 g. Almost XF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

60 €

No bids

0 0

Vetranius. Centenionalis. 350 AD. Siscia. (Ric-VIII 292). (LRBC-1178). Anv.: D N VETRANIO P F AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right; A behind, star before. Rev.: HOC SIGNO VICTOR ERIS, emperor standing facing, head to left, wearing diadem and in military dress, holding labarum decorated with Christogram and spear, being crowned by Victory, standing to left, holding palm; A in left field; •ЄSIS* in exergue. Ae. 5,42 g. Almost XF. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

40 €

Current bid

40 €

1 1

Julian II Apostata. Siliqua. 360-363 AD. Lugdunum. (Ric-VIII 215A). (C-58). Anv.: FL CL IVLIANVS P P AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: VICTORIA DD NN AVG, Victory advancing to left, holding wreath and palm; LVG in exergue. Ag. 1,58 g. Beautiful old cabinet tone. Planchet flaws on reverse. VF/Choice VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

70 €

Current bid

95 €

Julian II Apostata. Double maiorina. 362-363 AD. Constantinople. (Ric-162). Anv.: D N FL CL IVLIANVS P F AVG. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev.: SECVRITAS REI PVB. Bull standing right, above, two stars. In exergue CONSPA. Ae. 8,11 g. VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

70 €

No bids

0 0

Jovian. Siliqua. 363-364 AD. Arelate. (Ric-331). Anv.: D N IOVIANVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: VOT / X / MVLT / X in four lines within laurel wreath; in exergue, PCONST. Ag. 1,42 g. Patina. Thin crack. VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

70 €

Current bid

70 €

1 1


Valens. Solidus. 364 AD. Nicomedia. (Ric-IX 2d). (Depeyrot-10/2). Anv.: D N VALENS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: RESTITVTOR REIPVBLICAE, emperor standing facing, head to right, holding labarum with christogram and Victory on globe; SMNI in exergue. Au. 4,49 g. Attractive. Ex Áureo&Calicó (17/10/2019), lot 140. XF. Est...1800,00.

Starting bid

1.200 €

Current bid

1.200 €

Valens. Siliqua. 356-357 AD. Rome. (Ric-11b). Anv.: D N VALENS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev.: VRBS ROMA, Roma seated left on throne holding Victory on globe and reversed spear, RQ in exergue . Ag. 1,79 g. Minor scratch on obverse. Patina. Scarce. Choice VF/VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

70 €

No bids

0 0

Procopio. Follis. 365-366 AD. Constantinople. (Ric-IX 17a). Anv.: D N PROCOPIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to left. Rev.: REPARATIO FEL TEMP, emperor standing facing, head to right, holding labarum in right hand and resting left hand on grounded shield, indeterminate object to left at feet; chi-rho in upper right field, CONS(B?) in exergue. Ae. 3,31 g. VF/Almost VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

50 €

Current bid

50 €

1 1

Valentinian II. Siliqua. 388-392 AD. Lugdunum. (Ric-IX 43a). (Rsc-76b). Anv.: D N VALENTINIANVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: VRBS ROMA, Roma seated to left on cuirass, holding Victory on globe and inverted spear; LVGPS in exergue. Ag. 1,66 g. Patina. Slight old cabinet tone. Minor crack. Slight rust. Choice VF/VF. Est...180,00.

Starting bid

80 €

Current bid

80 €

1 1

Theodosius I. Maiorina. 392-394 AD. Nicomedia. (Ric-46). Anv.: D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: GLORIA ROMANORVM, Emperor standing facing, head to right, holding labarum and globe; SMNA in exergue. Ae. 4,97 g. Choice VF/VF. Est...45,00.

Starting bid

20 €

No bids

0 0

Aelia Flacilla. Follis. 383-386 AD. Constantinople. (Ric-IX 81). Anv.:  AEL FLACILLA AVG, draped bust to right, wearing elaborate headdress. Rev.: SALVS REI PVBLICAE, Victory seated to right, inscribing a Chi-Rho on shield set on column, CONЄ in exergue . Ae. 5,14 g. Scarce. Choice VF/VF. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

25 €

No bids

0 0

Honorius. Solidus. 394-395 AD. Mediolanum. (Ric-X 1206). (Depeyrot-16/2). Anv.: D N HONORIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG, emperor standing to right, holding labarum and Victory on globe, treading on captive to right; M-D across fields, COMOB in exergue. Au. 4,32 g. Minor scratch on reverse. Attractive. Almost XF. Est...1000,00.

Starting bid

600 €

Current bid

700 €

Honorius. Solidus. 394-395 AD. Mediolanum. (Ric-X 1206). (Toffanin-486/2). Anv.: D N HONORIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG, emperor standing to right, holding labarum and Victory on globe, treading on captive to right; M-D across fields, COMOB in exergue. Ag. 4,37 g. Graffiti. Almost VF. Est...700,00.

Starting bid

400 €

No bids

0 0

Honorius. Solidus. 407-408 AD. Rome. (Ric-X 1252). (Depeyrot-34/2). (C-44). Anv.: D N HONORIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG, emperor standing to right, holding standard and Victory on globe, stepping on captive to right; R-M across fields, COMOB in exergue. Au. 4,32 g. Minimal grip marks. Hairlines. Almost VF/VF. Est...700,00.

Starting bid

400 €

No bids

0 0

Honorius. Solidus. 402-406 AD. Ravenna. (Ric-X 1287). (Depeyrot-7/1). Anv.: D N HONORIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG, emperor standing facing, head to right, holding standard and Victory on globe, treading on captive seated to left; R-V across fields, COMOB in exergue. Au. 4,42 g. Choice VF. Est...800,00.

Starting bid

450 €

Current bid

471 €

4 2

Constantinus III. Siliqua. 408-411 AD. Arelate. (Ric-X 1538). (Rsc-4d). Anv.: D N CONSTANTINVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: VICTORI(A AAAVGGG), Roma seated to left on cuirass, holding Victory on globe and inverted spear; SMAR in exergue. Ag. 1,50 g. Patina. Planchet flaw on obverse. Rare. VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

150 €

No bids

0 0

Valentinian III. Solidus. 426-430 AD. Ravenna. (Ric-X 2010). (Depeyrot-17/1). Anv.: D N PLA VALENTINIANVS P F AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG, emperor standing facing, holding long cross and victory on globe, foot on head of human-headed coiled serpent; R-V across fields, COMOB in exergue. Ag. 4,26 g. Tarces of mounting. Plugged hole. Choice VF. Est...650,00.

Starting bid

350 €

Current bid

360 €

2 2

Leo I. Solidus. 462-468 AD. Constantinople. 6th Officina. (Ric-X 605). (Depeyrot-93/1). Anv.: D N LEO PERPET AVG. Pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing slightly to right, holding spear and shield decorated with horseman motif . Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG S. Victory standing to left, holding long jewelled cross; star in right field, CONOB in exergue. Au. 4,37 g. Ex CNG 552 (13/12/2023), lote 632. Choice VF. Est...550,00.

Starting bid

300 €

Current bid

300 €

1 1

Leo I. Solidus. 462-466 AD. Constantinople. 10th Officina. (Ric-X 605). (Depeyrot-93/1). Anv.: D N LEO PERPET AVG, pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing slightly to right, holding spear and shield decorated with horseman motif. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG I, Victory standing to left, holding long jewelled cross; star in right field, CONOB in exergue. Au. 4,23 g. Hairline on reverse. Choice VF. Est...600,00.

Starting bid

350 €

Current bid

350 €

1 1

Zeno. Solidus. 476-491 AD. Constantinople. 6th officina. (Ric-X 910 & 929). (Depeyrot-108/1). Anv.: D N ZENO PERP AVG. Pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing slightly to right, holding spear and shield decorated with horseman motif. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG S. Victory standing facing, head to left, holding long jewelled cross; star in right field, CONOB in exergue. Au. 4,37 g. Ex CNG, Triton XXVII 6 (18/01/2024), lote 6379. XF. Est...650,00.

Starting bid

350 €

Current bid

550 €

16 3

Justinian I. Solidus. 545-565 AD. Constantinople. (MIBE-7). (Doc-9j). (Sear-140). Anv.: D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVC, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger and shield decorated with horseman motif. Rev.: VICTORIA AVCCC I, angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by staurogram and globus cruciger; star in right field, CONOB in exergue. Au. 4,39 g. Weak strike. Choice VF/Almost XF. Est...500,00.

Starting bid

350 €

No bids

0 0

Justinian I. 20 Nummi. RY 16 = AD 542/3. Nicomedia. (Sear-203). Anv.: D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVG, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger and shield; cross to right. Rev.: Large K; cross above, NI below, ANNO to left, XЧI (date) to right. Ae. 9,96 g. Rare. Almost VF/VF. Est...75,00.

Starting bid

40 €

No bids

0 0

Mauricius Tiberius. Solidus. 583-601 AD. Constantinople. (MIBE-6). (Doc-5b). (Sear-478). Anv.: O N MAVRC TIЬ P P AVC, draped and cuirassed bust facing, wearing plumed helmet with pendilia and holding globus cruciger. Rev.: (VIC)TORIA AVCC B, angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by staurogram and globus cruciger; CONOB in exergue. Au. 4,43 g. Large flan. Mino area of weak strike. Choice VF. Est...500,00.

Starting bid

250 €

No bids

0 0

Mauricius Tiberius. 10 nummi. 582-602 AD. Cyzicus. (MIBE-522c (but officina not)). (Doc-56). Anv.: Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger and shield . Rev.: Large I; cross above, B to left, star to right; KYZ in exergue. Ae. 2,77 g. VF. Est...40,00.

Starting bid

20 €

Current bid

20 €

1 1

Phocas. Solidus. 607-610 AD. Constantinople. 5th Officina. (MIBE-9). (Doc-10e). (Sear-620). Anv.: ∂ N N FOCAS PЄRP AVG. Draped and cuirassed bust facing, wearing crown without pendilia and holding globus cruciger. Rev.: VICTORIA AVςЧ Є. Angel standing facing, holding staff surmounted by staurogram and globus cruciger; CONOB in exergue. Au. 4,48 g. Graffiti on reverse. Ex Classical Numismatic Group 96 (14/05/2014), lot 971. Almost XF. Est...600,00.

Starting bid

300 €

Current bid

300 €

1 1

Phocas. Solidus. 607-610 AD. Constantinople. 5th Officina. (MIBE-11). (Doc-10e). (Sear-620). Anv.: ∂ N N FOCAS PЄRP AVG, draped and cuirassed bust facing, wearing crown without pendilia and holding globus cruciger. Rev.: VICTORIA AVςЧ Є, angel standing facing, holding staff surmounted by staurogram and globus cruciger; CONOB in exergue. Au. 4,45 g. Original luster. A good sample. XF. Est...650,00.

Starting bid

350 €

Current bid

360 €

2 2

Phocas. Tremissis. 607-610 AD. Constantinople. (MIBE-27). (Doc-19). (Sear-634). Anv.: ∂ N FOCAS PЄR AVI, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: VICTORI FOCAS AVς, cross potent; CONOB in exergue. Au. 1,47 g. Attractive specimen. XF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

180 €

Current bid

180 €

1 1

Heraclius. Semissis. 610-613 AD. Constantinople. (Doc-51b). (Sear-784). Anv.: d N ҺЄRACLIЧS P P AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: VICTORIA AVςЧ Є, cross potent on globe. Au. 2,21 g. Large flan. Choice VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

180 €

Current bid

270 €

Heraclius. Miliarense. 615-638 AD. Constantinople. (Doc-64.12). (Sear-798). Anv.: Heraclius on left, and Heraclius Constantine on right, seated facing on double-throne, each holding globus cruciger in right hand; small cross above. Rev.: Cross-potent on globe above three steps; K in left field. Ag. 6,58 g. Old cabinet tone. Sligthly iridiscent tone. Choice VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

60 €

Current bid

60 €

Heraclius, with Heraclius Constantine. Solidus. 613-616 AD. Constantinople. (Doc-13d). (MIB-11). (Sear-738). Anv.: Facing bust of Heraclius with short beard, and smaller facing bust of Heraclius Constantine, both wearing chlamys and elaborate crown with cross; cross above. Rev.: Cross potent on three steps; CONOB in exergue. Au. 4,31 g. Scratches on reverse. VF. Est...400,00.

Starting bid

200 €

Current bid

210 €

3 2

Heraclius, with Heraclius Constantine. Solidus. 616-625 AD. Constantinople. 6º Officina over 5º Officina. (Doc-13e). (MIB-11). (Sear-738). Anv.: ∂∂ NN ҺЄRACLIЧS ЄƮ ҺЄRA CONST P P AV, facing bust of Heraclius with short beard, and smaller facing bust of Heraclius Constantine, both wearing chlamys and simple crown with cross; cross above. Rev.: VICTORIA AVςЧ ς, cross potent on three steps; CONOB in exergue. Au. 4,33 g. Mark ς (6th Officina) rectified on Є (5th Officina). Graffiti. Very rare. XF. Est...700,00.

Starting bid

350 €

Current bid

350 €

1 1

Heraclius, with Heraclius Constantine & Heraclonas. Solidus. 639-641 AD. Constantinople. (MIBE-50). (Doc-43d). (Sear-769). Anv.: Heraclius, with long beard and moustache, flanked by Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas, both beardless, all standing facing, each crowned and holding globus cruciger. Rev.: VICTORIA AVςЧ Є, cross potent on three steps; monogram in left field, CONOB in exergue. Au. 4,45 g. Choice VF/Almost XF. Est...600,00.

Starting bid

350 €

No bids

0 0

Constans II with Constantine IV. Solidus. 654-659 AD. Constantinople. (Doc-25). (MIB-26). (Sear-959). Anv.: (∂ N) CONSƮANƮINЧS C CONSTANT, crowned facing busts of Constans on left, with long beard, and Constantine on right, beardless, both wearing chlamys; cross between their heads. Rev.: VICTORIA AVςЧ S, cross potent on three steps; CONOB in exergue. Au. 4,49 g. Graffiti. Choice VF. Est...550,00.

Starting bid

300 €

No bids

0 0

Constans II with Constantine IV. Solidus. 661-663 AD. Constantinople. (Doc-30d). (MIB-31). (Sear-964). Anv.: D N CONSTAN, crowned and draped facing busts of Constans, wearing plumed helmet, and Constantine; cross above. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGЧΔ, cross potent on three steps; Heraclius and Tiberius, each holding globus cruciger, standing facing to either side; CONOB in exergue. Au. 4,49 g. It retains some luster. Minor edge filing. XF. Est...700,00.

Starting bid

450 €

No bids

Nicephorus III Botaniates. Follis. (1078-1081). Constantinople. (Doc-I, 1-64). (Seaby-1889). Ae. 4,41 g. Choice VF. Est...25,00.

Starting bid

10 €

Current bid

10 €

1 1

John III Ducas-Vatazes. Emperor of Nicaea. Hyperpyron. 1222-1254 AD. Uncertain mint. (Doc-6b). (Sear-2073). Anv.: Christ Pantokrator enthroned facing, IC-XC across upper fields. Rev.: John standing facing, holding labarum with two pellets on shaft and akakia, being blessed by the Theotokos; IѠ ΔЄ ΠO TH downwards to left, (ΘV Ѡ ΠP Φ V) downwards to right. Bi. Choice VF. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

40 €

Current bid

40 €

1 1

Andronicus II Palaeologus, with Michael IX. Hyperpyron. 1294-1320 AD. Thessalonica. (Sear-2242). Anv.: Half-length figure of the Virgin Mary, orans, within city walls with six towers; K-M across fields. Rev.: Christ standing facing, blessing Andronicus II and Michael IX kneeling to either side; uncertain legends to left and right. Au. 3,91 g. Scarce. VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

150 €

Current bid

160 €

3 2

Pseudo-Imperial. In the name of Honorius. 1/2 silicua. 415 AD. Galia. Imitating Ravenna. (Ric-3703). Anv.: D N HONORIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: VICT(OR)IA AVGG, Roma seated left on cuirass, holding Victory on globe in extended right hand and spear in left; PSR(V) in exergue. Ag. 0,85 g. Rare. VF. Est...220,00.

Starting bid

120 €

Current bid

120 €

1 1

Arab-Sasanian. Abdallah Ibn Al-Zubayr. Drachm. YE 60 = 71/2 H. DA+P (Fasa). (Album-16). (SICA-1, 273/277). (Malek-Arab-Sasanian 504). Ag. 4,15 g. A good sample. Scarce in this grade. AU/Almost XF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

120 €

No bids

0 0

Arab-Sasanian. Al-Muhallab Ibn Abi Sufra. Drachm. 75 H. BYSH (Bishapur). (Album-31). (SICA-1, 203). (Malek-Arab-Sasanian 330). Ag. 4,08 g. Magnificent piece. Rare in this condition. AU. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

140 €

No bids

0 0

Abbasid Caliphate. Jarir Ibn Yazid. Hemidrachm. PYE 136 = 171 H. Tabaristán. (Album-63). Anv.:  Draped Sasanian-style bust to right, wearing elaborate crown; behind head, ‘GDE / ʾp̄zwt’ (‘[may his] glory increase’ in Pahlavi); before head, ‘Jarīr’ (‘Jarir’ in Arabic); in outer margin to left and right, ‘nywk ˗ ʾp̄d’ (‘good ˗ wonderful’ in Pahlavi). Rev.: Fire altar, flanked by two attendants; above altar, two pellets; to left, date in Pahlavi; to right, ‘tpwlstʾn’ (‘Tabaristan’ in Pahlavi). Ag. 2,00 g. Rare. Choice VF. Est...70,00.

Starting bid

40 €

No bids

0 0

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