Ex Hernández-Canut collection
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Alfonso VII (1126-1157). Dinero. Leon. (Bautista-70). (Imperatrix-A7:66.1). Anv.: ︙LEONI CIVI. Cross. Rev.: Two busts facing the sides of a vegetal mound, on three crescents that culminate in a cross with a base, two roundels on each side and tree of life branches on the sides. . 1,00 g. Very rare. Ex Hernández-Canut collection, Cayón (20/03/2020), lot 117. Choice F/F. Est...500,00.
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Alfonso VII (1126-1157). Dinero. Leon. (Bautista-72). (Imperatrix-A7:36.10). Anv.: LEGIONIN. Cross. Rev.: Temple with three naves with a free-standing bell tower on the right, below LEO. ·O· Between the temple and the legend. . 0,47 g. Very rare. Choice F/Almost F. Est...300,00.
Ex Hernández-Canut collection
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Alfonso VII (1126-1157). Dinero. Toledo. (Bautista-84). (Imperatrix-A7:69.7, Plate Coin). Anv.: IPERA◦TOR. Cross. Rev.: ·TOL + ETI·. Tower. . 0,75 g. Very scarce. Imperatrix A7:69.7, Plate Coin; Ex Hernández-Canut collection, Cayón (20/03/2020), lot 108. Almost VF. Est...400,00.
Imperatrix, Plate coin
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Alfonso VII (1126-1157). Dinero. Toledo. (Bautista-100 var.). (Imperatrix-A7:42.2, Plate Coin). Anv.: TOLETA. Pellet inside the letter O. Rev.: LE ON. Lion on the left with the head of a crowned King. . 0,78 g. Imperatrix A7:42.2, Plate Coin; Ex cHernández-Canut collection, Cayón (20/03/2020), lot 132. Very scarce. Choice F/Almost VF. Est...600,00.
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Alfonso VII (1126-1157). Dinero. Leon. (Bautista-Unlisted). (Imperatrix-Unlisted). Anv.: LEO CIVII. Potentized cross with a staff in the second and third quarters. Rev.: Opposite lions, between them crescent with roundel above and star below. . 0,76 g. Slight bend. Almost VF. Est...400,00.
Ex Hernández-Canut
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Alfonso VII (1126-1157). Dinero. Leon. (Bautista-Unlisted). (Imperatrix-A7:52.20, Plate Coin). Anv.: IMPERATOR. Cross pattée. Rev.: LEONIS. Lion on the right with head turned. Inverted letter C below the lion. . 1,01 g. Retains traces of the original shine. Central bend, despite this, a good specimen. Very rare. Ex Hernández-Canut Collection, Cayón (03/20/2020), lot 90. AU. Est...400,00.
Exceptional pedrigee
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Alfonso VII (1126-1157). Dinero. Sahagún Abbey. Sahagún (Leon). (Bautista-131.5). (Imperatrix-A7:76.11, Plate Coin). Anv.: + ✶ IHESVS ✶. + ✶ IHESVS ✶. Cross with pellets in the 1st and 2nd quarters. Rev.: LEO CIVI · II S. Three crosses with roundel. . 0,99 g. A good sample. Scarce, even more in this grade. Imperatrix A7:76.11, Plate Coin; Ex Hernández-Canut collection, Cayón (20/03/2020), lote 37; Published "El abadengo de Sahagun. Vestigios de una manifestación monetaria feudal de los reinos de Castilla y León durante el Siglo XII", Gazette Numismática 137, June 2000 p.26, lam. III, fi. C; Ex Berceo collection (15/12/1998). Choice VF. Est...600,00.
Imperatrix Plate Coin
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Alfonso VII (1126-1157). Dinero. Sahagún Abbey. Sahagún (Leon). (Bautista-131.9). (Imperatrix-A:7.76.14, Plate Coin). Anv.: + ✶ IHESVS ✶. Cross with pellets in the 1st and 2nd quarters. Rev.: LEO CIVI · II S. Three crosses with roundel. . 0,89 g. Light planchet break. Attractive specimen. Imperatrix A:776.13, Plate Coin; Ex Hernández-Canut collection, Cayón (20/03/2020), lot 39. Choice VF. Est...500,00.
Ex Hernández-Canut collection
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Alfonso VII (1126-1157). Dinero. Leon. (Bautista-156). (Imperatrix-A7:47.1). Anv.: INPERATO. Cross. Rev.: Lions standing upright and facing in profile, the upper part forming a head looking straight ahead, above I, below a cross. . 0,65 g. Slight bend. Rare. Ex Hernández-Canut collection, Cayón (20/03/2020), lot 119. VF/Choice VF. Est...500,00.
Ex Hernández-Canut
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Fernando II (1157-1188). Dinero. Santiago de Compostela. (Bautista-167). (Imperatrix-F2:29.8). Anv.: IACOBI. Bust of the apostle Santiago from the front. Rev.: REX. Lion on the left, on the crosier with cross inclined to the left. . 0,43 g. Mass loss due to oxidation. Of the highest rarity. Ex Hernández-Canut collection, Cayón (20/03/2020), lot 212. F. Est...400,00.
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