Subasta 153
Moneda Medieval Vol. II

February 4th 2025 - 16:00 H

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Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). 1/2 real. Sevilla. (Bautista-762.1, plate coin). Ag. 1,39 g. Style variety. S under the castle. Dots at the angles. Irregular flan. Very rare. Ex Áureo & Calicó (28/10/2010), lot 1287. Choice VF. Est...600,00.

Starting bid

300 €

6 4

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Blanca. Coruña. (Bautista-766 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : DEI : GRACIA R. Rev.: + ENRICVS : DEI : GRACIA R. Bi. 2,34 g. Scallop below the castle. Choice VF. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

20 €

13 7

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Blanca. Coruña. (Bautista-766 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : DEI : GRACI. Rev.: + ENRICVS : DEI GRACIA. Bi. 2,23 g. Scallop below the castle. Choice VF/VF. Est...45,00.

Starting bid

20 €

8 4

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Blanca. Sevilla. (Bautista-767 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : REX : CASTELL. Rev.: + ENRICVS : REX : LEGIONI : . Bi. 1,36 g. S below the castle. Choice VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

15 €

15 5

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Blanca. Sevilla. (Bautista-767 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : REX : CASTE. Rev.: + ENRICVS : REX : LEGI. Bi. 1,79 g. S below the castle. Almost VF. Est...25,00.

Starting bid

12 €

2 2

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Blanca. Sevilla. (Bautista-767 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : REX : CASTEL. Rev.: + ENRICVS : REX : LEGIONI. Bi. 1,78 g. S below the castle. Choice VF. Est...35,00.

Starting bid

15 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Blanca. Cuenca. (Bautista-768 var.). Bi. 2,16 g. Bowl below castle. Double strike. Choice VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

15 €

4 3

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Blanca. Cuenca. (Bautista-768 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : DEI : GRACIA : R. Rev.: + ENRICVS : DEI : GRACIA : R. Bi. 1,78 g. Bowl below castle. Almost VF. Est...25,00.

Starting bid

12 €

5 3

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Blanca. ¿Córdoba?. (Bautista-769). Bi. 1,48 g. C below the castle. Almost VF. Est...65,00.

Starting bid

30 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Blanca. Toledo. (Bautista-770 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : DEI : GRACIA : REX ⠕. Rev.: + ENRICVS : DEI : GRACIA : REX ⠕. Bi. 1,55 g. T below the castle. Small mintmark. Scarce. VF/Almost VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

12 €

5 3


Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Blanca. Toledo. (Bautista-770 var.). Anv.: + ENRIVSC : DEI : GRACIA : REX. Rev.: + ENRICVS : DEI : GRACIA : REX. Bi. 1,94 g. T below the castle. Error in the name of the King "ENRIVSC". Very rare. Choice VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

40 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Blanca. Toledo. (Bautista-770 var.). Anv.: + ENRI(CU)S : DEI : GRACIA : REX. Rev.: + ENRI(CU)S : DEI : GRACIA : RE. Bi. 1,72 g. T below the castle. Roundels at the intersections of the lobed. Very rich billon content. VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

15 €

20 8

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Blanca. Burgos. (Bautista-771 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : DEI : GRACIA : R. Rev.: + ENRICVS : DEI · GRACIA : RE. Bi. 1,84 g. B below castle. VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

15 €

2 2

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Blanca. Burgos. (Bautista-771 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVƧ · DEI GRACIA : RE. Rev.: + ENRICVƧ : DEI : GRACIA : RE. Bi. 1,58 g. B below castle. The letters S's in ENRICVS are inverted. Choice F. Est...20,00.

Starting bid

10 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Blanca. Burgos. (Bautista-771). Bi. 1,70 g. B below castle. Choice VF. Est...35,00.

Starting bid

15 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Blanca. ¿Villalón?. (Bautista-No cita). Bi. 1,79 g. "V" below the castle. Very scarce. Almost VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

50 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). 1/2 blanca. Sevilla. (Bautista-773). Anv.: + ENRICVS : REX : CASTE. Rev.: + ENRICVS : REX : LEGIO. Bi. 1,25 g. S below the castle. VF/Almost VF. Est...20,00.

Starting bid

10 €

2 2

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). 1/2 blanca. Sevilla. (Bautista-773 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : REX : CASTE. Rev.: + ENRICVS : O : REX : LEGIC. Bi. 1,12 g. S below the castle. Scarce. Choice VF/VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

15 €

2 2

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Noven. Toledo. (Bautista-781.1). Anv.: + ENRICUS : REX : CASTELE L : . Rev.: + ENRICUS : REX : LEGIONIS : E. Bi. 0,57 g. With T below the castle and roundels on both sides. VF. Est...35,00.

Starting bid

15 €

2 2

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Noven. Sevilla. (Bautista-782 var.). Anv.: + ENRICUS : REX CA. Rev.: + ENRICUS : REX E. Bi. 0,74 g. S below the castle. VF/Almost VF. Est...20,00.

Starting bid

10 €

4 3

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Noven. Sevilla. (Bautista-782 var.). Anv.: + ENRICUS : REX E. Rev.: + ENRICUS : REX C. Bi. 0,81 g. S below the castle. Choice VF. Est...45,00.

Starting bid

20 €

5 4

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Noven. Burgos. (Bautista-783). Anv.: + ENRICUS : REX : CASTEL. Rev.: + ENRICUS : REX : LEGIO. Bi. 0,89 g. B below castle. Very rare. Choice VF. Est...180,00.

Starting bid

60 €

28 3

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Seisen or Meaja Coronada. Burgos. (Bautista-784). Bi. 0,71 g. Almost VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

15 €

3 3

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Toledo. (Bautista-808). Anv.: + IOhANES : DEI : GRACIA : REX. Rev.: + IOhANES : DEI : GRACIA : REX. Bi. 2,16 g. T below the castle. VF. Est...25,00.

Starting bid

12 €

7 5

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Toledo. (Bautista-808 var.). Anv.: + IOANES : DEI GRACIA : REX ::. Rev.: + IOANES : DEI GRACIA : REX : . Bi. 1,63 g. T below the castle. Choice VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

12 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Burgos. (Bautista-811.6). Bi. 1,51 g. Inverted B under the castle. Choice F/F. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

10 €

4 3

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Burgos. (Bautista-811 var.). Anv.: + IOhANES : DEI : GRACIA : . Rev.: + IOhANES : DEI : GRACIA : RE. Bi. 1,80 g. B below castle. A good sample. Almost XF. Est...45,00.

Starting bid

20 €

12 5

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Sevilla. (Bautista-812.3). Anv.: + IOhANES : DEI : GRACIA : REX. Rev.: + IOhANES : DEI : GRACIA : RE. Bi. 1,07 g. Inverted S below the castle. VF. Est...35,00.

Starting bid

15 €

6 4

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Sevilla. (Bautista-812.2). Anv.: + IOhANES : REX : CASTEL : . Rev.: + IOhANES : REX : LEGIONIS. Bi. 1,87 g. S below the castle. VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

12 €

8 3

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Sevilla. (Bautista-812 var.). Anv.: + IOhANES : REX : CASTELLE. Rev.: + IOhANES : REX : LEGIONIS. Bi. 1,52 g. S below the castle. VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

12 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Coruña. (Bautista-813 var.). Anv.: + IOhANES DEI GRACIA RE : . Rev.: + IOhANES DEI GRACIA REX. Bi. 1,55 g. Modern scallop below the castle. Almost VF/VF. Est...25,00.

Starting bid

15 €

5 3

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Coruña. (Bautista-813). Bi. 1,23 g. Scallop below the castle. Almost VF. Est...25,00.

Starting bid

10 €

11 6

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Cornado. Coruña. (Bautista-822). Anv.: IOHA - NES. Rev.: ∗ REX ∗ CASTELLE ∗ . Bi. 0,73 g. Scallop below the castle. Ex Tauler & Fau 57 (12/05/2020), Lot 1223. Choice F/Almost VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

30 €

6 3

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Cornado. Toledo. (Bautista-823 var.). Anv.: IOHANES : DEI G. Rev.: + IOHANES DEI GR¿A?. Bi. 0,63 g. T below the castle. Flan crack. Choice F/Almost VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

15 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Cornado. Burgos. (Bautista-826.2 var.). Anv.: IOH - ANES ★ DEI. Under the busto ★ B ★. Rev.: + IOHANES ★ DEI ★ GRACIA ★ R . Bi. 0,62 g. Holed. VF. Est...50,00.

Starting bid

25 €

2 2

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Cornado. Burgos. (Bautista-826.3 var.). Anv.: IOHA - NES (Star-shaped roundel ) DEI. Under the bust (Star-shaped roundel ) B (Star-shaped roundel ). Rev.: + IOHANES (Star-shaped roundel ) DEI (Star-shaped roundel ) GRACIA. Bi. 0,60 g. Holed. Choice VF. Est...70,00.

Starting bid

30 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 real. Sevilla. (Bautista-903.3 var.). Anv.: + XPS ✿ VINCIT ✿ XPS ✿ REGNAT ✿ XP. Rev.: + ENRICVS ✿ DEI GRACIA ✿ REX ✿ : . Ag. 3,33 g. S at the top of the vertical axis. Roundels at the intersections of the lobed. Choice VF/Almost XF. Est...350,00.

Starting bid

150 €

20 5

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 real. Sevilla. (Bautista-903.3 var.). Anv.: + XPS ✿ VINCIT ✿ XPS ✿ REGNAT ✿ XPS : . Rev.: + ENRICVS ✿ DEI ✿ GRACIA ✿ REX ✿ CAS : . Ag. 3,03 g. S at the top of the vertical axis. Flowers at the intersections of the lobed. Patina. Choice VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

120 €

14 7

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 real. Cuenca. (Bautista-909 var.). Anv.: + XPS ·:· VICIT ·:· XPS ·:· REGINAT ·:· XPS : RE. Rev.: + ENRICVS ·:· CARTVS ·:· DEI ·:· GRACIA ·:· R. Ag. 3,40 g. With C and bowl on the vertical axis. Three pellets at the intersections of the lobed. Rare legend. Almost VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

120 €

12 5

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1/2 real. Sevilla. (Bautista-917 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS ✿ ↃARTVS ✿ DEI ✿ GRAC. Rev.: + ENRICVS ✿ REX ✿ CASTLLE ✿ ET LEG. Ag. 1,51 g. S below the castle. Rare. VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

90 €

7 5

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1/2 real. Cuenca. (Bautista-920 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS ⁑ REX ⁑ CASTELLE ⁑ CAS. Rev.: + ENRICVS ⁑ REX ⁑ CASTELLE ⁑ ET ⁑ LEGIO. Ag. 1,38 g. Thin crack. Circular frame on obverse and lobed frame on reverse. Rare. Almost VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

100 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). Dinero. Toledo. (Bautista-922 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS ✿ CARTVS ✿ DEI ✿ GR : . Rev.: + ENRICVS ✿ REX ✿ CASTELLE ✿ E. Bi. 1,15 g. T below the castle. Double strike. Choice F/Almost VF. Est...70,00.

Starting bid

30 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1/2 real. Cuenca. (Bautista-923 var.). Anv.: ⁑ ENRICVS ⁑ CARTVS ⁑ REX ⁑ CASTELLE. Rev.: ⁑ ENRICVS ⁑REX ⁑ CASTELLE ⁑ ET LEG. Ag. 1,53 g. Wavy flan. Toned. Rare. VF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

120 €

4 3

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1/2 real. Burgos. (Bautista-925 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : REX : CASTELLE : E. Rev.: + ENRICVS : CARTVS : REX : CAS. Ag. 1,56 g. B below castle. Thin crack. Knock on reverse. Toned. Choice VF/VF. Est...220,00.

Starting bid

100 €

5 3

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1/2 real. Cuenca. (Bautista-No cita). Anv.: XPS : VINCIT : XPS : REGINAT : X ·:·. Rev.: ENRICVS : CAVS : DEI : GRACI : . Ag. 1,67 g. Inverted C and bowl on the vertical axis. HEN monogram delimited by three pellets. Very rare. Almost VF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

120 €

4 2

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1/2 real. Sevilla. (Bautista-927.1 var.). Anv.: + XPS ✿ VINCIT ✿ XPS ✿ REGN ✿. Rev.: + ENRICVS ... GRATIA ✿. Ag. 1,42 g. With S at the top of the vertical lower. Patina. VF/Almost VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

90 €

3 2

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1/2 real. Sevilla. (Bautista-932 var.). Anv.: + XPS ✿ VINCIT ✿ XPS ✿ REGN ✿. Rev.: + ENRICVS ✿ DEI ✿ GRA ✿ RE ✿. Ag. 1,59 g. With S at the top of the vertical lower. Scarce. VF/Almost VF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

100 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1/2 real. Segovia. (Bautista-933.1 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS ✿ DEI ✿ GRACIA. Rev.: + ENRICVS ✿ DEI ✿ GRACIA ✿ R. Ag. 1,65 g. With aqueduct at the lower end of the vertical axis. VF/Almost VF. Est...180,00.

Starting bid

90 €

2 2

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