Only 3 specimens in Acsearch
Apulia. Rubi. Obol. 325-275 BC. (HN Italy-III 811). (Sng Ans-721). (Tesorillo-Italia 2, Plate Coin). Anv.: Six-stringed kithara. Rev.: Bull's head facing, fillets hanging from its horns, (ΡΥ) above. . 0,33 g. Lightly toned. Slight planchet break. Rare. Only 3 specimens in Acsearch. Almost VF/VF. Est...150,00.
Southwest Gaul. Sotiates or Elusates. Drachm. After 56 BC. (Depeyrot-NC II, 301). (LT-3605). (Tesorillo-Galia 15, Plate Coin). Anv.: REX ADIETVANV S FE, celticised, devolved head to left consisting of five large pellets and two crescents. Rev.: SOTIOTA, wolf walking to left, with raised front forepaw. . Very rare. A good sample for this type. Choice VF. Est...500,00.
Moesia. Istros. Hemiobol. 450-300 BC. (SNG BM Black Sea-No cita). (Sng Cop-201 var. monogram). (Tesorillo-Tracia 12, Plate Coin). Anv.: Two young male heads facing, side by side, one upright, the other inverted. Rev.: Sea-eagle to left, clutching dolphin in its talons; IΣTPIH above, A below. . 0,54 g. Rare. Est...150,00.
Kings of thracia. Teres II (351-342/1 BC). AE 20. Maroneia. The Odrysian kingdom. (Hgc-3.2, 1712). (Tesorillo-Tracia 16, Plate Coin). Anv.: THPEΩ. Labrys, handle forming the T in the legend. Rev.: Grape arbor within linear frame; all within incuse square. . 18,38 g. Very rare. Choice F/F. Est...80,00.
Kastilo-Castulo. Sextans?. 180 BC. Cazlona (Jaén). (Abh-746 var.). (Tesorillo-Castulo 96, Plate Coin). Anv.: Diademed male head right. Rev.: Diademed male head right. . 2,80 g. Two obverses. This type of struck, whose model is semis, was widely spread by foreign mintage. Very rare. Choice F. Est...80,00.
PB Tessera. Southern area of the peninsula. (CCP-Unlisted). (Tesorillo-Plomos 18, Plate Coin). Anv.: Retrograde PAF, below undetermined object. All within a circular frame of thick and spaced pellets. Rev.: Four-spoke wheel somewhat disfigured. . 3,74 g. Circular frame on obverse. VF. Est...50,00.
Anonymous. Unit. 194-190 BC. Rome. Lead imitation. (CCP-Unlisted). (Tesorillo-Plomos 29, Plate Coin). Anv.: Laureate head of Janus. Rev.: Prow to right; I (mark of value) before, ROMA below. . 25,10 g. 30mm. Given the position of the value mark, we believe it is a family struck, but we cannot clearly see which family it may belong to. Knock on obverse. Very rare.. Choice F. Est...70,00.
Septimius Severus. Denarius. 197/198 AD. Rome. Lead imitation. (Ric-107? var.). (Bmcre-239/43? var.). (Tesorillo-Plomos 31, Plate Coin). Anv.: (L SEPT SEV PERT) AVG (IMP X), laureate head right. Rev.: (AN)NONAE (AVGG), Genius? standing to left, sacrificing out of patera and holding double cornucopiae. . 8,02 g. 16mm. Rare. Almost VF. Est...60,00.
Nummus. Second half of the 7th century. Emérita (Mérida). (Crusafont-Group C, type 31). (Tesorillo-Visigodos 13, Plate Coin). Anv.: Radiate and draped bust to the left. Around it there is an unclear legend that does not seem to be CIVITA. Rev.: Monogram formed by an M with ties at the ends. . 1,11 g. Very rare. VF. Est...200,00.
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