Auction 149
Ancient World Vol. XIX

Session 1 | October 1st 2024 - 16:00 H
Session 2 | October 2nd 2024 - 16:00 H

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Kelse-Celsa. Unit. 50-30 BC. Velilla de Ebro (Zaragoza). (Abh-799). (Acip-1496). Anv.: COL. VIC. IVL. LEP. Helmeted male head right. Rev.: Bull charging right, PR. II. VIR. above, P. SALPA. M. FVLI below. Ae. 15,08 g. VF/Choice VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

100 €

11 4

Kelse-Celsa. Unit. 50-30 BC. Velilla de Ebro (Zaragoza). (Abh-800). (Acip-1493). Anv.: Female head right, palm behind, PR. II. VIR. above, C.V.I.L below. Rev.: Bull right, C. BALBO. above, L. PORCIO below. Ae. 12,97 g. Almost VF/VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

70 €

11 5

Kelse-Celsa. Augustus period. Unit. 27 BC - 14 AD. Velilla de Ebro (Zaragoza). (Abh-804). (Acip-1501). Anv.: COL. V. I. CELSA. II. VIR. Head of Augustus right. Rev.: Bull right, L. POMPE. BVCCO. above, L. CORNE. FRONT below. Ae. 14,31 g. VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

60 €

4 2

Ex the Lionel Tenby Collection

Kelse-Celsa. Augustus period. Unit. 27 BC - 14 AD. Velilla de Ebro (Zaragoza). (Abh-810). (Acip-3164). Anv.: AVGVSTVS. DIVI. F. Laureate head of Augustus right. Rev.: Bull standing right, with pellet behind, legend L. BACCIO, MAN. FESTO. II. VIR. C. V. I. CEL. Ae. 12,65 g. Ex the Lionel Tenby Collection; Ex Jencek Historical Enterprise 29 (10 February 2015), lot 25. VF/Almost VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

80 €

1 1

Kelse-Celsa. Augustus period. Unit. 27 BC - 14 AD. Velilla de Ebro (Zaragoza). (Abh-812). Anv.: IMP. CAESAR. DIVI. F. AVGVSTVS. COS. XII. Laureate head of Augustus right. Rev.: Bull standing right, legend CN. DOMITI. C. POMPEIO. II. VIR. CVI. CEL. Ae. 12,58 g. Counterstamped. VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

50 €

11 6

Celtitan. Unit. 50 BC. Peñaflor (Sevilla). (Abh-822). (MIB-208/1). (Acip-2427). Anv.: Laureate head right. Rev.: Boar right, on spearhead, latin legend (CELTITAN) below. Ae. 22,71 g. Rare. Choice F. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

100 €

20 6

Clunia. Time of Tiberius. Unit. 37-41 AD. Coruña del Conde (Burgos). (Abh-836). Anv.: TI. CAESAR. AVG. E AVGVSTVS. IMP. Laureate head of Tiberius right. Rev.: Bull left, CLVNIA above, CN. POMP. M. ANTO. T. ANTO. M. IVL. SERAN. IIII. VIR around. Ae. 13,52 g. VF/Choice VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

70 €

11 5

Tesorillo 4-87, Plate Coin

Clunia. Time of Tiberius. Unit. 37-41 AD. Coruña del Conde (Burgos). (Abh-838). (Acip-3174). Anv.: TI. CAESAR. AVG. E AVGVSTVS. IMP. Laureate head of Tiberius right. Rev.: Bull left, C. AEM. METO. T. COR. MATE. L. CAEL. PRES. C. CAEL. CA. IIII. VIR around. Ae. 14,66 g. Countermark TI (BERIVS) inside cartouche on obverse. This coin published on the reference website (ref. 4-87, type Clunia 1). VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

70 €

50 7

Clunia. Time of Tiberius. Half unit. 37-41 AD. Coruña del Conde (Burgos). (Abh-842). (Acip-3173). Anv.: TI. CAESAR. AVGVSTI. F. Laureate head of Tiberius right. Rev.: Boar right, CLVNIA above, AED below, L. DOMI. ROBV. T. OCTA. METAL around. Ae. 6,18 g. F. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

30 €

11 6

Konterbia Karbika. Denarius. 120-80 BC. Villas Viejas, Huete (Cuenca). (Abh-845). (Acip-1827). (MIB-135/01a). Anv.: Male head right, iberian legend KARBIKA behind. Rev.: Horseman right, holding spear, iberian legend KONTERBIA. Ag. 4,06 g. Delicate patina. Choice VF. Est...450,00.

Starting bid

300 €

6 3

Konterbia Karbika. Unit. 120-80 BC. Villas Viejas, Huete (Cuenca). (Abh-846). Anv.: Beardless male bust right, dolphin before, iberian legend KARBIKA behind. Rev.: Horseman right, holding spear, iberian legend KONTEBAKOM. Ae. 12,71 g. Choice VF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

120 €

4 3

Konterbia Belaiska. Unit. 120-80 BC. Botorrita (Zaragoza). (Abh-861). (MIB-121/2b). Anv.: Male head right, dolphin before and iberian letters BEL behind. Rev.: Horseman right, holding spear, KONTEBAKOM below. Ae. 7,13 g. Scarce. Almost VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

50 €

6 3

Konterbia Belaiska. Half unit. 120-80 BC. Botorrita (Zaragoza). (Abh-864). (MIB-121/3a). (Acip-1597). Anv.: Male head right, dolphin before, iberian letters BEL behind. Rev.: Horse right, crescent between pellets above, legend KONTEBAKOM . Ae. 4,93 g. Rare. Choice VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

90 €

8 4

Ebusus. 1/8 calco. 200-100 BC. Ibiza. (Abh-923). (MIB-16/40). (Acip-719). Anv.: Bes wearing skirt, holding mace and snake. Rev.: Bull charging left. Ae. 5,08 g. Choice VF. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

40 €

1 1

Ebusus. 1/4 calco. 200-100 BC. Ibiza. (Abh-923). (Acip-719). (C-22). Anv.: Bes wearing skirt, holding mace and snake. Rev.: Bull charging left. Ae. 3,36 g. Green patina. Choice VF/Almost VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

100 €

1 1

Emerita Augusta. Time of Tiberius. Unit. 14-36 AD. Mérida (Badajoz). (Abh-1040). (Acip-3387). Anv.: DIVVS. AVGVSTVS. PATER. Radiate head of Augustus right, sheaf of rays before. Rev.: City gate, COL. AVGVSTA. EMERITA around. Ae. 13,92 g. Choice VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

100 €

33 5

Emerita Augusta. Time of Tiberius. Unit. 14-36 AD. Mérida (Badajoz). (Abh-1055). Anv.: TI. CAESAR. AVG. PON(T. MAX. IMP). Bare head of Tiberius left. Rev.: City gate, COL. AVGVSTA. EMERITA around. Ae. 10,22 g. Choice F/Almost VF. Est...85,00.

Starting bid

50 €

3 2

Emporiton-Emporion. Tritartemorion. 450-450 BC. S. Martín de Ampurias (Gerona). (Abh-Unlisted). (Acip-5). (MIB-1/051 B). Anv.: Ram's head on the left. Rev.: Incuse cross, containing a pelleted cross. Ag. 0,56 g. Rare. Choice VF/Almost VF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

180 €

18 5

Emporiton-Emporion. Drachm. 200-110 BC. L’Escala, Ampurias (Girona). (Abh-1108). (MIB-1/215d). (Acip-195). Anv.: Persephone-Arethusa head right, three dolphins around. Rev.: Pegasus, with Chrysaor head right, greek legend EMPORITON below. Ag. 4,36 g. Patina. VF/Choice VF. Est...450,00.

Starting bid

200 €

11 4

Emporiton-Emporion. Drachm. 200-110 BC. L’Escala, Ampurias (Girona). (Abh-1108). (Acip-165). (C-16). Anv.: Persephone-Arethusa head right, three dolphins around. Rev.: Pegasus, with Chrysaor head right, greek legend EMPORITON below. Ag. 4,14 g. VF/Choice VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

150 €

10 4

Emporiton. Drachm. 3rd century BC. South of France. (Abh-1118 var.). (MIB-Type 1/234b). Anv.: Persephone-Arethusa head right, pellet behind, three dolphins around. Rev.: Pegasus, with Chrysaor head right, dolphin right and greek legend (EMPORITON) below. Ae. 3,47 g. Gallic imitation struck in bronze. very rare. Almost VF/VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

50 €

4 3

Erkauika- Ercavica. Augustus period. Unit. 27 BC - 14 AD. Cañaveradas (Cuenca). (Abh-1278). Anv.: AVGVSTVS. DIVI. F. Laureate head of Augustus right, the legend is straight. Rev.: Bull right, straight tail, MVN above, ERCAVICA below. Ae. 10,87 g. Almost VF/VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

50 €

19 7

Gades-Gadir. 1/8 calco. 300-200 BC. Cadiz. (Abh-1306). (Acip-647). (MIB-9/25). Anv.: Dolphin right. Rev.: Two tunny to right. Ae. 0,74 g. A good sample. Rare. Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

60 €

16 4

Gades-Gadir. 1/8 calco. 300-200 BC. Cadiz. (Abh-1306). (MIB-9/25). (Acip-647). Anv.: Dolphin right. Rev.: Two tunny. Ae. 0,57 g. Scarce. Choice VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

50 €

3 2

Gades-Gadir. Hemidrachm. 200-100 BC. Cadiz. (Abh-1308). (Acip-631). Anv.: Head of Melkart left with lion skin. Rev.: Tunny right, punic legend. Ag. 2,57 g. Reverse struck off center. Choice VF. Est...350,00.

Starting bid

200 €

18 6

Gades-Gadir. Hemiobol. 200-100 BC. Cadiz. (Abh-1310). (MIB-9/09). (Acip-636). Anv.: Head of Melkart left. Rev.: Tunny right. Ag. 0,33 g. Light planchet break. VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

100 €

3 2

Gades-Gadir. Calco. 200-100 BC. Cadiz. (Abh-1316). Anv.: Head of Melkart left, with lion skin. Rev.: Two tunny right. Ae. 4,42 g. VF/Almost VF. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

30 €

3 2

Gades-Gadir. 1/4 calco. 200-100 BC. Cadiz. (Abh-1325). (Acip-673). (MIB-9/41). Anv.: Facing head of Melkart or Helios-Sol. Rev.: Dolphin left, punic legend. Ae. 1,65 g. Choice VF/VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

60 €

23 5

Gades-Gadir. Unit. 100-20 BC. Cadiz. (Abh-1339). (Acip-665). Anv.: Head of Hercules left, club behind. Rev.: Two tunny left above and below, punic legends, crescent with pellet and punic letter alef in between. Ae. 10,51 g. Dolphin countermark to the right on the reverse. Tesorillo, type 1-04b. Choice F. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

40 €

1 1

Gades-Gadir. Unit. 100-20 BC. Cadiz. (Abh-1339). (MIB-Unpublished style). (Acip-665 var.). Anv.: Head of Hercules left, club behind. Rev.: Two tunny left above and below, punic legends, crescent with pellet and punic letter alef in between. Ae. 7,98 g. Countermark dolphin to the right on the reverse. Unusual style with long nose without forehead. Scarce. Almost VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

30 €

10 4

Gades-Gadir. Half unit. 100-20 BC. Cadiz. (Abh-1347). (Acip-689). (MIB-9/47a). Anv.: Head of Hercules left, club before. Rev.: Two tunny left, punic legend above and below, crescent with pellet and punic letter alef between tunny. Ae. 4,81 g. Choice VF/VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

60 €

10 3

Gades-Gadir. Augustus period. Dupondius. 27 BC - 14 AD. Cadiz. (Abh-1381). Anv.: Head of Hercules left, club behind. Rev.: Simpulum left, (TI.) CLAVIDIVS. (NERO) around. Ae. 19,39 g. Crude art. Slightly tooled. Choice F/Almost F. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

50 €

1 1

Ilturo. Quadrans. 120-20 BC. Mataró (Barcelona). (Abh-1444). (Acip-1350). (C-16). Anv.: Diademed male head right, ear behind. Rev.: Forepart of Pegasus right, iberian legend ILTURO below. Ae. 4,27 g. Scarce. VF. Est...180,00.

Starting bid

125 €

3 2

Ilercavonia. Augustus period. Unit. 27 BC - 14 AD. Tortosa (Tarragona). (Abh-1490). (Acip-1219). Anv.: Ship with pilot right, (ILER)CAVON(IA) below. Rev.: Ship left, (M)VN. HIBERA. (IV)LIA below. Ae. 7,09 g. Palm countermark to the right and inside the cartouche on the obverse. Very scarce. Choice F. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

60 €

1 1

Iliberri. Unit. 150-20 BC. Granada. (Abh-1505). (MIB-165/03a). (Acip-2286). Anv.: Helmeted male head right, palm before. Rev.: Triskeles, iberian legend ILTURIR between the three legs. Ae. 17,37 g. Very rare. Choice F. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

80 €

5 3

Iliberri. Unit. 150-20 BC. Granada. (Abh-1506). (Acip-2286). (C-2). Anv.: Helmeted male head right, palm before. Rev.: Triskeles, iberian legend ILTURIR between the three legs. Ae. 15,81 g. Very rare. Choice F/VF. Est...500,00.

Starting bid

400 €

7 3

Ilteraca. Unit. 80-20 BC. (Abh-1565). (MIB-156/1). (Acip-2282). Anv.: Male head right. Rev.: Wolf right, palm above, iberian legend (ILTIRAKA) below. Ae. 15,16 g. Rare. Choice F/Almost VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

70 €

19 5

Ipora. Unit. 50 BC. Montoro (Córdoba). (Abh-1567). (MIB-202/1). (Acip-2316). Anv.: Male head right, IPORA before. Rev.: Bull right, manger before. Ae. 34,98 g. Rare. VF/Almost VF. Est...350,00.

Starting bid

200 €

13 3

Italica. Time of Tiberius. Unit. 14 - 36 AD. Santiponce (Sevilla). (Abh-1593). (Acip-3333). Anv.: IMP. TI. CAESAR. AVGVSTVS. PON. MAX. Bare head of Tiberius right. Rev.: Altar with legend PROVIDENTIAE. AVGVSTI; PERM. DIVI. AVG. MVNIC. ITALIC around. Ae. 13,52 g. Almost VF. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

40 €

1 1

Ex Antonio Carmona Collection

Italica. Time of Tiberius. Unit. 14 - 36 AD. Santiponce (Sevilla). (Abh-1593). (Acip-3333). (Sng Cop-417). Anv.: IMP. TI. CAESAR. AVGVSTVS. PON. MAX. Bare head of Tiberius right. Rev.: Altar with legend PROVIDENTIAE. AVGVSTI; PERM. DIVI. AVG. MVNIC. ITALIC around. Ae. 16,04 g. Ex Antonio Carmona Collection, Roma Numismatics E-sale 83 (06/05/2021), lot 443. VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

70 €

13 5

Ketovion-Salacia. Unit. 150-50 BC. Alcácer do Sal (Portugal). (Abh-1626). (MIB-166/02). (Acip-973). Anv.: Head of Melkart left with lion skin, club behind, latin legend ODACISI before. Rev.: Two tunny right, iberian legend KETOVION in between. Ae. 13,88 g. Rare. F. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

50 €

16 6

Lascuta. Half unit. 150-50 BC. Alcalá de los Gazules (Cádiz). (Abh-1672). (MIB-18/06). (Acip-945). Anv.: Head of Melkart right, club before. Rev.: Elephant right, Libyan-Phoenician legend below. Ae. 6,61 g. Scarce. Choice F. Est...70,00.

Starting bid

30 €

18 6

Luco Augusti. Augustus period. Unit. 27BC - 14 AD. Lugo. (Abh-1703). (Acip-3302). Anv.: (IMP. AVG. DIVI. F) around bare head of Augustus left, caduceus behind, palm before. Rev.: Round shied. Ae. 12,86 g. Scarce. Choice VF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

150 €

1 1

Luco Augusti. Augustus period. Unit. 27BC - 14 AD. Lugo. (Abh-1705). Anv.: IM. AVG. DIVI. F around bare head of Augustus left, caduceus behind, palm before. Rev.: Round shied. Ae. 9,91 g. Choice VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

150 €

14 6

Luco Augusti. Augustus period. Unit. 27BC - 14 AD. Lugo. (Abh-1706). (Acip-1706). Anv.: IMP. AVG. (DIVI. F) around bare head of Augustus left (smaller module), caduceus behind, palm before . Rev.: Round shied. Ae. 10,16 g. Choice F. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

60 €

10 4

Luco Augusti. Augustus period. Unit. 27BC - 14 AD. Lugo. (Abh-1706). (Acip-3301). Anv.: IMP. AVG. DIVI. F around bare head of Augustus left (smaller module), caduceus behind, palm before . Rev.: Round shied. Ae. 12,01 g. VF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

120 €

13 7

Malaka. Unit. 200-20 BC. Malaga. (Abh-1726). (Acip-787). (C-10). Anv.: Head of Vulcan right, tongs behind, punic legend before. Rev.: Head of Helios facing. Ae. 10,33 g. Crude art. Scarce. Choice F/Almost VF. Est...70,00.

Starting bid

30 €

9 6

Malaka. Half unit. 200-20 BC. Malaga. (Abh-1733). (MIB-10/26a var.). (Acip-802 var.). Anv.: Head of Vulcan right with square cap, punic legend and tongs behind. Rev.: Eight-rayed star. Ae. 6,56 g. Star style somewhat unusual. Scarce. VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

50 €

13 5

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