Medieval Coins Vol. I

September 24th 2024 - 16:00 H

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Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Noven. Sevilla. (Bautista-782 var.). Anv.: + ENRICUS ⋮ REX C. Rev.: + ENRICUS : REX L. Bi. 0,74 g. S below the castle. VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

12 €

Current bid

20 €

3 2

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique III (1390-1406). Seisen or Meaja Coronada. Burgos. (Bautista-784). Bi. 0,60 g. Almost VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

15 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan I (1379-1390). 1/6 real. Burgos. (Bautista-795.2, como Juan II). Anv.: + IOhANIS : REX : CASTELE. Rev.: + IOhANIS : DEI : GRACIA. Ag. 0,50 g. B below castle. "V" below the lion. Rare. VF. Est...700,00.

Starting bid

300 €

Current bid

460 €

10 3

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan I (1379-1390). 1/6 real. Sevilla. (Bautista-805.1 como Juan II). Ag. 0,55 g. S bajo el castillo. Anverso IOHANIS REX ELEG. Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

60 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Toledo. (Bautista-808 var.). Anv.: + IOANES : DEI GRACIA : REX : . Rev.: + IOANES : DEI GRACIA : REX. Bi. 1,97 g. T below the castle. VF. Est...35,00.

Starting bid

15 €

Current bid

15 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Toledo. (Bautista-808 var.). Anv.: + IOhANES : DEI : GRACIA : REX. Rev.: + IOhANES : DEI : GRACIA : REX · . Bi. 2,16 g. T below the castle. A good sample for this type. Choice VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

15 €

Current bid

20 €

2 2

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Cuenca. (Bautista-810). Bi. 2,10 g. Contemporary counterfeit. VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

15 €

Current bid

15 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Cuenca. (Bautista-810 var.). Anv.: + IOhANES : DEI : GRACI : . Rev.: + IOhANES : DEI : GRACI : . Bi. 1,75 g. Scarce. Almost VF/Choice F. Est...20,00.

Starting bid

10 €

Current bid

10 €

1 1


Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Burgos. (Bautista-811 var.). Anv.: + IOhANES : DEI : GRACIA : REX. Rev.: + IOhANEI : GRACIA : CAS. Bi. 2,10 g. B below castle. Very attractive. Choice VF. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

45 €

Current bid

46 €

2 2

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Burgos. (Bautista-811.6). Bi. 1,71 g. Inverted B under the castle. Double strike. Curious B. Choice F. Est...25,00.

Starting bid

12 €

Current bid

12 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Sevilla. (Bautista-812 var.). Anv.: + IOhANES : REX : CASTLL : . Rev.: + IOhANES : REX : LEGION. Bi. 2,00 g. S below the castle. Choice VF/VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

15 €

Current bid

15 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Coruña. (Bautista-813). Anv.: + IOhANES : DEI : GRACIA : RE . Rev.: + IOhANES : DEI : GRACIA : RE. Bi. 1,62 g. Modern scallop below the castle. Choice F. Est...25,00.

Starting bid

12 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca. Ávila. (Bautista-814 var.). Anv.: + IOhANES : DEI : GRACI : . Rev.: + IOhANES : DEI : GRACIA. Bi. 1,45 g. A below the castle. Rare. Almost VF/VF. Est...75,00.

Starting bid

40 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Blanca de la banda. Sevilla. (Bautista-819 var.). Anv.: + IOhANES : REX : LEGIONIS. Rev.: + IOhANES : REX : CASTEL. Bi. 2,26 g. S below the castle. Very rare. Choice F. Est...350,00.

Starting bid

150 €

Current bid

180 €

5 3

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Cornado. Without mint mark. (Bautista-820 var.). Anv.: + IOH - ANES. Rev.: + IO(HA)SES REX. Bi. 0,61 g. Flan crack. Rare. Choice F/Almost VF. Est...70,00.

Starting bid

30 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Cornado. Coruña. (Bautista-822.1). (Imperatrix-J2:6.2). Anv.: (IOHA) - NES. Rev.: ✿ (REX) ✿ CASTELLE ✿. Bi. 0,97 g. Scallop below the castle. Very scarce. Ex Tauler & Fau 35 (09/07/2019), Lot 5152. Choice F/Almost VF. Est...70,00.

Starting bid

30 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Cornado. Toledo. (Bautista-823). Bi. 0,84 g. T below the castle. Choice VF. Est...40,00.

Starting bid

20 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Cornado. Toledo. (Bautista-823.1). Anv.: IOHANES : DEI GR. Rev.:  IOHANES : DEI GRACI. Bi. 0,62 g. T below the castle. Circular frame on obverse. Almost VF. Est...30,00.

Starting bid

12 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Cornado. Burgos. (Bautista-826 var.). Anv.: IOH - ANES (Ermine) D. Under the bust ★ : B : ★. Rev.: + IOHANES ∗ DEI ∗ GRACIA. Bi. 0,79 g. Very rare. Almost VF/VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

80 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Cornado. Burgos. (Bautista-826.6 var.). Anv.: IOH - ANES ✿ D. Under the bust ✿ : B : ✿. Rev.: + IOHANES ✿ DEI ✿ GRACIA. Bi. 0,90 g. Pellet in front of the bust. Rare. VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

50 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Noven. Toledo. (Bautista-827). Bi. 0,70 g. T bajo el castillo. Escasa. VF. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

30 €

Current bid

30 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1/2 real. Burgos. (Bautista-828 var.). Anv.: + XPS : VINCIT : XPS : REGNAT. Rev.: + ENRICVS : DEI : GRA : REX : CAST. Ag. 1,75 g. B at the top end of the vertical axis. Patina. Flan crack. VF/Choice VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

120 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 real. Toledo. (Bautista-898 var.). Anv.: + XPS : VINCIT : XPS : REGNAT : XPS I. Rev.: + ENRICVS : CARTVS : DEI : GRACIA : RE. Ag. 3,35 g. With T on the vertical axis. Scarce. VF. Est...350,00.

Starting bid

170 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 real. Sevilla. (Bautista-903 var.). Anv.: + XPS ✿ VINCIT ✿ XPS ✿ REGNAT ✿ XPS. Rev.: + ENRICVS ✿ DEI ✿ GRACIA ✿ REX ✿ CA ◦ . Ag. 3,32 g. With S at the top of the vertical lower. Choice VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

120 €

Current bid

150 €

3 2

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 real. Cuenca. (Bautista-909 var.). Anv.: + XPS ·:· VICIT ·:· XPS ·:· REGINAT ·:· XPS : . Rev.: : ENRICVS ·: CARTVS ·:· DEI ·:· GRACIA ·:· REG. Ag. 2,73 g. With C and bowl on the vertical axis. Three pellets at the intersections of the lobed. Rare legend. VF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

120 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1/2 real. Sevilla. (Bautista-917 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : QVARTVS : DEI : GRAC. Rev.: + ENRICVS : REX : CASTELLE : E. Ag. 1,44 g. With S below the castle. Thin crack. Almost VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

80 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1/2 real. Cuenca. (Bautista-No cita). Anv.: XPS : VINCIT : XPS : RENAT : XPS. Rev.: ENRICVS : CARTVS : DEI : GRA ·:·. Ag. 1,70 g. With C and bowl on the vertical axis. HEN monogram delimited by three pellets. Rare. Almost VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

100 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1/2 real. Toledo. (Bautista-929 var.). Ag. 1,74 g. With T on the vertical axis. Rare. Almost VF. Est...320,00.

Starting bid

150 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1/2 real. Segovia. (Bautista-No cita). Anv.: + ENRICVS • DEI • GRACIA •. Rev.: + ENRICVS • DEI • GRACIA •. Ag. 1,41 g. With aqueduct at the lower end of the vertical axis. Almost VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

80 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1/2 real. Sevilla. (Bautista-932 var.). Anv.: + XPS ✿ VINCIT ✿ XPS ✿ REGNA ✿. Rev.: + ENRICVS ✿ DEI ✿ GRA ✿ REX ✿. Ag. 1,72 g. With S at the top of the vertical lower. Scarce. Almost VF/VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

100 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1/4 real. Cuenca. (Bautista-939.2 var.). Anv.: ⁑ ENRICVS ⁑ CARTVS ⁑ REX ⁑ CASTEL. Rev.: ✿ ENRICVS ✿ CARTVS ⁑ REX ⁑ LEGONI. Ag. 0,64 g. Bowl below castle. Very rare. Ex J.A. Herrero (12/12/2013), lot 512. Choice F. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

120 €

No bids

0 0

"CATIA" legend on obverse

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 maravedi. Ávila. (Bautista-955 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : CARTVS : REX : CATIA. Rev.: + ENRICVS : ꓷEI : GRACIA : R .... Bi. 2,22 g. A below the castle. "CATIA" legend on obverse. Very rare. Choice VF/Almost VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

60 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 maravedi. Ávila. (Bautista-955.1 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : DEI : GRACIA : REX : CASTE. Rev.: + XPS : VINCIT : XPS : REGNAT : XPS : IN. Bi. 2,00 g. A below the castle. Flan cracks. Rare. Almost VF. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

35 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Princess Elizabeth (1471-1474). 1 maravedi. Ávila. (Bautista-955.8 as Enrique IV). Anv.: + ENRIC(VS :· DE)I :· GRACIA : R. Rev.: + ENRICVS .... Bi. 1,61 g. Crowned P (Princess Elizabeth) to the left of the castle and A below the castle. Scarce. VF/Almost VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

50 €

Current bid

50 €

1 1

Imperatrix - Plate Coin

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Princess Elizabeth (1471-1474). 1 maravedi. Ávila. (Bautista-955.17, mismo ejemplar). (Imperatrix-PY:5.8, Plate Coin). Anv.: + ENRICVS : DEI : GRACIA. Rev.: + ENRICVS : CARTVS : DEI. Bi. 2,55 g. Crowned P (Princess Elizabeth) to the right of the castle and A below the castle. Very rare. VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

90 €

Current bid

95 €

2 2

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 maravedi. Burgos. (Bautista-958.2 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : REX : CASTELLE : E. Rev.:  + ENRICVS : QVARTVS : DEI : GR :. Bi. 1,78 g. B below castle. Ex Tauler & Fau 29 (09/04/2019), lot 7293. Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

50 €

Current bid

50 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 maravedi. Burgos. (Bautista-958.6 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : REX : CASTELLE : E. Rev.:  + ENRICVS : QVARTVS : DEI : GR · . Bi. 2,35 g. B open at the bottom under the castle, similar to an R. Scarce. Choice VF. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

40 €

Current bid

50 €

4 2

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 maravedi. Córdoba. (Bautista-959 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : DEI : GRACIA : RE .... Rev.: + ENRICVS : CARTVS : REX : CAR. Bi. 1,61 g. C below the castle. Scarce. Almost VF/Choice F. Est...50,00.

Starting bid

20 €

Current bid

30 €

3 2

"CASTVS" legend on obverse

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 maravedi. Cuenca. (Bautista-962 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : CASTVS : REX : CASTELLE : E. Rev.:  + ENRICV : CARTVS : DEI : GRACIA : REX. Bi. 2,16 g. Bowl below the castle. "CASTVS" legend on obverse. Rare. Choice VF/VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

60 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 maravedi. Medina de Rioseco. (Bautista-969). Anv.: + ENRICVS ✿ REX ✿ CASTE. Rev.:  + ENRICVS ✿ QVARTVS ✿ ¿?. Bi. 1,77 g. MDR under the castle. Very rare. Almost VF/Choice F. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

50 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 maravedi. Segovia. (Bautista-973 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS ✿ DEI ✿ GRACIA ✿ REX. Rev.:  + ENRICVS ✿ QVARTVS ✿ REX ✿ CAS. Bi. 2,09 g. Aqueduct below the castle. Rare legend on obverse. Rare. VF/Almost VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

40 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 maravedi. Segovia. (Bautista-973.4). Anv.: + ENRICVS ✿ DEI ✿ GRACIA ✿ REX ✿. Rev.:  + ENRICVS ✿ DEI ✿ GRACIA ✿ REX ✿ C. Bi. 1,89 g. Aqueduct below the castle. Without pomegranate under the lion. Rare. Almost VF. Est...70,00.

Starting bid

30 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 maravedi. Sevilla. (Bautista-974 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS ✿ REX ✿ CASTELLE : . Rev.:  + ENRICVS ✿ QARTVS ✿ DEI ✿ GR. Bi. 2,13 g. S below the castle. The letter Q in QARTVS is an inverted. Rare. Choice VF/VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

60 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). 1 maravedi. Córdoba. (Bautista-979 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS ... : GRACIA : . Rev.: + ENRICVS : CARTVS ... : C. Bi. 2,07 g. C square under the castle. Very rare. Almost VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

40 €

Current bid

40 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). Blanca de la banda. Toledo. (Bautista-983 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : IIII : DEI : GRACI. Rev.: + XPS : VIBCIT : XPS : REGNAT. Bi. 2,01 g. T on the band shield. Rare. Almost VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

150 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). Dinero. Burgos. (Bautista-987.1 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS : QVARTVS : DEI : GR. Rev.: + ENRICVS : REX : CASTELLE. Bi. 0,94 g. B below castle. Planchet crack. VF. Est...65,00.

Starting bid

30 €

Current bid

30 €

1 1

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). Dinero. Coruña. (Bautista-988 var.). Anv.: ... CVS : CARTVS : DEI : GRA.... Rev.: + ENRICVS : C ... EI : GRA : R. Bi. 1,08 g. Scallop below the castle. Very scarce. Almost F/F. Est...50,00.

Starting bid

20 €

No bids

0 0

Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Henry IV (1399-1413). Dinero. Sevilla. (Bautista-990.2 var.). Anv.: + ENRICVS ✿ QARTVS ✿ DEI ✿ GRA. Rev.: + ENRICVS ✿ DEI ✿ GRACIA .... Bi. 1,87 g. S below the castle. Rosette in front of the bust. Almost VF. Est...45,00.

Starting bid

20 €

No bids

0 0

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