Auction 149
Ancient World Vol. XIX

Session 1 | October 1st 2024 - 16:00 H
Session 2 | October 2nd 2024 - 16:00 H

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Ionia. Miletos. Drachm. 295-270 BC. In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. (Price-2151). (Müller-1057). Anv.: Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev.: Zeus Aëtophoros seated to left, holding sceptre; AΛEΞANΔPOY to right, MI (civic) monogram in left field. Ag. 4,07 g. Hairlines on obverse. Choice VF. Est...110,00.

Starting bid

60 €

12 7

Ionia. Ephesos. Cistophorus. 150-140 BC. (Kleiner-Noe-Series 28). (Sng von Aulock-7837). Anv.: Cista mystica with serpent; all within ivy wreath. Rev.: Bow-case with serpents; bee above EΦE to left, serpent on cista to right. Ag. 12,16 g. Scratch on reverse. Surface rust. VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

70 €

7 4

Islands of Caria. Rhodes. Drachm. 88-84 BC. (Hgc-1461). Anv.: Radiate head of Helios to right. Rev.: Rose within incuse square. Ag. 2,41 g. Choice VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

50 €

11 3

Islands of Caria. Drachm. 88-84 BC. (Hgc-1461). Anv.: Radiate head of Helios to right. Rev.: ΜΑΗΣ / P - O. Rose within incuse square. Ag. 2,02 g. Displaced struck. Choice VF. Est...90,00.

Starting bid

50 €

16 4

Islands of Caria. Rhodes. Drachm. 88/42 BC. - 14 AD. Heliodoros magistrate. (Ashton & Weiss-208 (A60/P205)). (Sng von Aulock-2836). (Hgc-6, 1456). Anv.: Radiate head of Helios facing slightly right. Rev.: Rose seen from above; above, magistrate's name: HΛIOΔΩPOΣ; below, thunderbolt. Ag. 4,05 g. Slight old cabinet tone. Slight rust. XF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

150 €

Islands off Epeiros. Korkyra. AE 17. 400-338 BC. (Bmc-Thessaly 104/116). (Hgc-6,89). Anv.: Amphora; K-O across fields. Rev.: Bunch of grapes on the vine. Ae. 4,40 g. Scarce. Choice F. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

50 €

3 2

Judaea. Samaria. Obol. 375-333 BCE. Uncertain mint. (Meshorer-Qedar 22, 199/201). Anv.: Sidonian galley to left over waves. Rev.: Persian king battling lion, O between; all within incuse square. Ag. 0,74 g. Delicate patina. Choice VF/VF. Est...70,00.

Starting bid

30 €

3 2

Judaea. Mattathias Antigonos (Mattatayah). 4 Prutot. 40-37 BCE. Jerusalem. Hasmoneans. (Sofaer-426/33). (Hendin-GBC 6, 6198). (TJC-37c). Anv.: 'Mattatayah the High Priest' in Paleo-Hebrew script around cornucopiae. Rev.: BACIΛEΩC AN in three lines within wreath. Ae. 8,11 g. VF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

90 €

9 2

Very rare

Kyrene. Kyrenaika. 1/10 Stater. 322-313 BC. (Bmc-161/2, var. rev.). (Jameson-2533, var. rev.). Anv.: Head of Zeus Ammon to left. Rev.: Head of a female (Kyrene?) to right within shallow round incuse. Au. 0,90 g. Very rare. Almost XF. Est...1000,00.

Starting bid

500 €

7 3


Lesbos. 1/12 stater. 500-440 BC. Uncertain mint. (Klein-348). (Rosen-542/3). (Hgc-6, 1067). Anv.: Confronted heads of two boars. Rev.: Quadripartite incuse square. Bi. Original Patina. VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

50 €

1 1

Lucania. Velia. Didrachm. 305-290 BC. (HN Italy-1307). (Sng Ans-1375). Anv.: Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with griffin, A behind neck-guard, Φ before chin. Rev.: Lion standing right, dolphin swimming to right above, I and Φ on either side, (ΥΕ)ΛΗΤΩΝ in exergue . Ag. Patina. Minor scratch on reverse. VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

100 €

4 3

Lucania. Velia. Didrachm. 300-280 BC. Philistion group. (HN Italy-1312). (Sng Ans-1390). (McClean-1466). Anv.: Head of Athena to left, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with hippocamp on bowl; monogram before. Rev.: Lion walking to right; (Φ-I) flanking ornate trident head to right above, YEΛHTΩN in exergue. Ag. 5,58 g. Almost VF/VF. Est...160,00.

Starting bid

90 €

1 1

Dynasts of Lycia. Vekhssere II. 1/3 stater. 410-380 BC. Zagaba or Tymnessos. (Sng Cop-468). (Sng von Aulock-2401). (Podalia-9). Anv.: Facing lion's scalp. Rev.: Triskeles, with monogram in central circle; FP𐊜𐊖𐊖𐊁 around; all within in shallow incuse circle. Ag. 2,98 g. VF/Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

70 €

1 1

Dynasts of Lycia. Trbbenimi. 1/3 stater. 390-375 BC. Wedrei. (Müseler-VIII, 25/27). (Sng von Aulock-4215). (Podalia-158/70). Anv.: Facing lion's scalp. Rev.: Triskeles; TPBB𐊚NEME around; all within shallow incuse circle. Ag. 3,07 g. Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

70 €

2 2

Dynasts of Lycia. Perikles. 1/3 stater. 380-360 BC. (Müseler-VIII, 47/51). (Sng von Aulock-4254/5). (Sng Cop-32). Anv.: Facing lion's scalp. Rev.: Triskeles; Π↑Ρ-ΕΚ-Λ↑ around; all within shallow incuse circle. Ag. 2,79 g. Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

70 €

1 1

Lydia. Tralleis. Cistophorus. 100-90 BC. (Sng Cop-657). (Sng von Aulock-3259). Anv.: Cista mystica from which serpent coils; around, ivy wreath. Rev.: Quiver (gorytos) entwined by two serpents; to left, ΤΡΑΛ; above, ΔΙΟΝ; to right, lyre. Ag. 12,33 g. Delicate patina. VF/Choice VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

100 €

3 2

Macedon. Eion. Trihemiobol. 460-400 BC. (AMNG-III/2,35). (Sng Ans-276/84). (Hgc-3.1,521). Anv.: Goose standing to right, head reverted; above, lizard to left. Rev.: Quadripartite incuse square. Ag. 0,73 g. VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

50 €

1 1

Macedon. Chalkidian League. Tetradrachm. 395-392 BC. Olynthos. (Robinson & Clement-Group K, 53/A37). (Sng Ans-478). (Hgc-3.1,498). Anv.: Laureate head of Apollo to left. Rev.: Kithara of seven strings, Α-Μ in tiny letters on left and right uprights, XAΛKIΔEΩN around; all within incuse square. Ag. 13,88 g. Slight patina. Choice VF. Est...1500,00.

Starting bid

1.000 €

1 1

Macedon. Temp. Philip V to Perseus. Tetrobol. 187-168 BC. (AMNG-III 1,24). (Sng Cop-1292). (Hgc-3.1, 326). Anv.: Head of maenad to right, wreathed with grape bunches. Rev.: Stern of galley to left; MAKE-DONΩN above and below, M? in right field. Ag. 2,47 g. Choice VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

50 €

12 4

Macedon under Roman Rule. Tetradrachm. 167-149 BC. Amphipolis. (AMNG-177). (Sng Cop-1314). (Bmc-7). Anv.: Diademed and draped bust of Artemis to right, bow and quiver over shoulder, all within tondo of Macedonian shield. Rev.: Horizontal club to right, ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ above, ΠΡΩΤΗΣ below, monogram in upper central field, two monograms below; all within oak wreath, thunderbolt to left. Ag. 16,80 g. Almost VF/VF. Est...350,00.

Starting bid

250 €

1 1

Mauritania. Tingis. AE 18. Century I BC. (Mazard-605). (Sng Cop-735). Ae. 3,48 g. Scarce. Almost VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

70 €

9 4

Moesia. Istros. Drachm. 256-240 BC. (SNG Stancomb-144). (SNG BM Black Sea-238). (Hgc-3.2,1804). Anv.: Two young male heads facing, right head inverted. Rev.: IΣTPIH above sea-eagle on dolphin to left; A below. Ag. 5,87 g. Some original luster remaining. Ex CNG 533 (22/02/2023) lot 28. Almost XF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

150 €

10 5

Moesia. Istros. Drachm. 256-240 BC. (AMNG-I.1,421 var.). (SNG BM Black Sea-253). (Hgc-3.2,1804). Anv.: Two young male heads facing, right head inverted. Rev.: IΣTPIH above sea-eagle on dolphin left; monogram below. Ag. 4,22 g. Planchet flaw on reverse. Almost XF/Choice VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

120 €

11 4

Mysia. Parion. Drachm. Century V BC. (Sng Cop-256). (Sng Bnf-1351/2). Anv.: Facing gorgoneion, with mouth open and tongue protruding. Rev.: Rough square incuse. Ag. 3,99 g. Centered struck. Well-defined details. Almost XF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

150 €

3 2

Mysia. Parion. Hemidrachm. 4th century BC. (Sng von Aulock-7424). (Sng Bnf-1385/6). Anv.: Bull standing to left, head reverted; ΠA-PI above and below, round bowl or shield below. Rev.: Facing gorgoneion. Ag. 2,51 g. Delicate patina. Choice VF/XF. Est...150,00.

Starting bid

90 €

5 2

Mysia. Parion. Hemidrachm. 4th century BC. (Sng Bnf-1368/70). Anv.: Bull standing to left, head reverted; ΠA above, PI and star below. Rev.: Facing gorgoneion with protruding tongue, serpents around. Ag. 2,42 g. Choice VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

70 €

14 5

Mysia. Kyzikos. Diobol. 450-400 BC. (Von Fritze-9). (Sng Kayhan-54). (SNG BnF-361/66). Anv.: Forepart of boar to left, tunny upward to right. Rev.: Head of roaring lion to left; within incuse square. Ag. 1,23 g. Choice VF. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

40 €

5 2

Mysia. Kyzikos. Hemiobol. 450-400 BC. (Von Fritze-II 14). (Sng Bnf-375). (Klein-265). Anv.: Forepart of boar to left; tunny fish upwards behind. Rev.: Head of roaring lion to left; star to upper left; all within incuse square. Ag. 0,42 g. Choice VF. Est...65,00.

Starting bid

35 €

3 2

Mysia. Kyzikos. Hemiobol. 450-400 BC. (Von Fritze-II 14). (Sng Bnf-375). (Klein-265). Anv.: Forepart of boar to left; tunny fish upwards behind. Rev.: Head of roaring lion to left; star to upper left; all within incuse square. Ag. 0,37 g. Choice VF. Est...65,00.

Starting bid

35 €

1 1

Mysia. Kyzikos. Hemiobol. 450-400 BC. (Von Fritze-II 15). (Sng Bnf-385). Anv.: Forepart of boar to left; tunny upward to right. Rev.: Head of roaring lion to left; K (retrograde) to upper left; all within incuse square. Ag. 0,81 g. VF. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

30 €

1 1

Mysia. Pergamon. Cistophorus. 104-98 BC. (Kleiner-12). (Pinder-95). (SNG BnF-1719). Anv.: Serpent emerging from cista mystica; all within ivy wreath. Rev.: Two serpents entwined around bow and bowcase; ΔI above, civic monogram to left, serpent-entwined thyrsos to right. Ag. 12,61 g. Choice VF/XF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

120 €

4 3

North Africa. Carthage. AE 19. 300-264 BC. Sardinia. (Cf. CNP-252). (MAA-57). Anv.: Wreathed head of Tanit to left. Rev.: Head of horse to right. Ae. 4,19 g. Choice VF/VF. Est...65,00.

Starting bid

30 €

10 4

Carthage. AE 18. 300-264 BC. Sardinia. (Sng Cop-151). Anv.: Wreathed head of Tanit to left. Rev.: Head of horse to right; Punic letter 'ayin before. Ae. 5,45 g. VF. Est...65,00.

Starting bid

35 €

1 1

North Africa. Carthage. Shekel. 264-201 BC. Second Punic War. (Sng Cop-351). (MAA-79). Anv.: Head of Tanit left, wearing wreath of grain ears and single-pendant earring. Rev.: Horse standing right, palm tree in background, punic letter before. Ae. 8,12 g. Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

60 €

8 3

North Africa. Carthage. Trishekel. 221-202 BC. (Sng Cop-341/3). (MAA-84b). Anv.: Wreathed head of Tanit to left. Rev.: Horse standing to right; palm tree to left in background, ligate Punic Ṭ and Š below.. Ae. 19,54 g. Almost VF. Est...100,00.

Starting bid

60 €

2 2

North Africa. Carthage. 1/4 shekel. 210-205 BC. Carthage or uncertain Punic mint in Bruttium. Second Punic War. (Jenkins-L2). (HN Italy-2020). (Sng Cop-369). Anv.: Wreathed head of Tanit to left. Rev.: Horse standing to right. Ag. 1,86 g. Soft tone. Edge with filings. Rare. Almost XF/Choice VF. Est...220,00.

Starting bid

100 €

16 7

North Africa. Tingis. AE 17. 118-33 BC. Mauretania. Times of Bocchus I, Sosus or Bocchus II. (Mazard-608). (MAA-49). Anv.: Bearded head of Baal-Melqart to right. Rev.: Three corn ears; TNG' (in Neo-Punic script) below. Ae. 3,91 g. Magnificent piece for this mint. Almost XF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

150 €

14 4

Pamphylia. Aspendos. Stater. 380-325 BC. (Sng Bnf-95). Anv.: Two wrestlers grappling; FA between. Rev.: Slinger in throwing stance to right; EΣTFEΔIIYΣ to left, triskeles to right; all within pelleted square. Ag. 10,47 g. Dark patina. Scratch on reverse. VF. Est...120,00.

Starting bid

70 €

1 1

Pamphylia. Side. Stater. 360-333 BC. (Bmc-17). (Sng Bnf-649). Anv.: Athena standing to left, holding small Nike who crowns her and resting hand on shield; pomegranate to left, spear to right. Rev.: Apollo standing to left, holding long branch, sacrificing out of phiale over altar to left; bird standing to left in lower right field, letters (mint official's signature) to left, Sidetic inscription to right. Ag. 10,74 g. Ex N&N London 8 (24/09/2022), lot 49. Choice VF. Est...200,00.

Starting bid

120 €

10 3

Pamphylia. Perge. Tetradrachm. CY 24 = 198/7 BC. In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. (Price-2938). (DCA-314). Anv.: Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev.: Zeus Aëtophoros seated to left, holding sceptre; AΛEΞANΔPOY to right, KΔ (date) in left field. Ag. 16,43 g. Hairlines on obverse. Planchet flaw on reverse. Minor scratches on the edge. Choice VF. Est...250,00.

Starting bid

150 €

2 2

Paphlagonia. Sinope. Drachm. 330-300 BC. Aristobo(los) magistrate. (SNG BM Black Sea-1463). Anv.: Head of nymph left, hair held hair in saccos, wearing triple-pendant earring and necklace; before, aplustre. Rev.: Sea-eagle on dolphin left; magistate's name ΑΡΙΣΤΟΒΟ behind, ΣΙΝΩ below dolphin. Ag. 6,14 g. Almost XF/XF. Est...350,00.

Starting bid

200 €

2 2

Phoenicia. Tyre. Shekel. 425-394 BC. (E&E-T Group 1.1.1b). (Betlyon-17). (Hgc-10,315). Anv.: Melkart, holding bow in extended left hand and reins in right, riding hippocamp to right; below, waves above dolphin swimming to right. Rev.: Owl standing to right, head facing; crook and flail diagonally in background. Ag. 13,54 g. VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

200 €

13 3


Phoenicia. Ba'alshillem II. Double shekel. 401-366 BC. Sidon. (Hgc-10, 236). (CNG-X, 236). (Sng Cop-194). Anv.: Phoenician war galley to left.; above, Phoenician letter B. Rev.: Persian king in chariot left with driver; behind, king of Sidon following, holding sceptre and votive vase. Ag. 27,52 g. Slight edge cuts. Rare. Choice VF. Est...1500,00.

Starting bid

600 €

7 3

Phoenicia. Arados. Drachm. CY 100 = 160/59 BC. (Bmc-158). (Duyrat-1858/60). Anv.: Bee; P (date) and ΔI monogram in upper fields. Rev.: APAΔIΩN, stag standing to right, palm tree with two date clusters behind. Ag. 3,97 g. Delicate patina. Slight iridiscent patina. Attractive. Choice VF/Almost XF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

150 €

19 6

Phrygia. Apameia. AE 20. 88-40 BC. Heraklei- & Eglo- Magistrates. (Sng Cop-183). (SNG von Aulock-347). (Hgc-7, 672). Anv.: Laureate head of Zeus to right. Rev.: Cult statue of Artemis Anaïtis facing; AΠAME downward to right, HPAKΛEI and (ΕΓΛO) downward to left. Ae. 7,16 g. Choice VF. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

30 €

6 4

Pisidia. Termessos. AE 18. CY 1 = 71/0 BC. (Sng Cop-291). (DCA-706). Anv.: Laureate head of Zeus to right. Rev.: Bridled horse galloping to left; A (date) above, TEP below. Ae. 4,39 g. Choice VF. Est...60,00.

Starting bid

30 €

1 1

Islands of Caria. Rhodos, Rhodes. Didrachm. 275-250 BC. Antipatros magistrate. (Ashton-186). (Hgc-6,1437). Anv.: Head of Helios facing slightly right. Rev.: Rose, bud to right; ANTIΠ[ATPOΣ] above, grain ear to left. Ag. 6,66 g. Well struck. Choice VF. Est...300,00.

Starting bid

150 €

Thrace Islands. Thasos. Diobol. 500-480 BC. (Le Rider-Thasiennes 4). (Rosen-144). (Hgc-6,333). Anv.: Satyr running to right. Rev.: Quadripartite incuse square. Ag. 0,96 g. VF. Est...80,00.

Starting bid

50 €

1 1

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